Small Town News


Mingus on deadline to treat water

Cottonwood Journal Extra of Cottonwood, Arizona

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School officials have until end of year to fix arsenic problem

Since Mingus Union High School discovered arsenic in the water earlier this year, officials have looked at what method would be the best to mitigate the problem.

They have worked with the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality and now have a deadline to get the problem fixed. MUHS Project Manager Steve Blankenship told the district's board Thursday, Sept. 10, he had a consent order from ADEQ, an agreement that sets up the parameters of the project.

"They've been generous with us on time, but now we have a schedule. They want us to finish by the end of this year," Blankenship said. "They're not asking us, they're telling us."

The cost to fix all 22 locations which includes the kitchen, Blankenship estimates between $60,000 to $65,000, but it could be less through the bidding process. The board chose point-of-use treatment with filters that will draw out the arsenic. Each drinking fountain will receive one.

"We're going to make sure each has a shutoff so we can do testing. We'll do that regularly. It's about like testing your pool," Blankenship told the board. "We also have to keep a log for ADEQ."

Mingus Superintendent Tim Foist told the board the wellhead was pulled and an automatic dispenser installed.

"We are continuing to test at the well also," he said.

Arsenic occurs naturally in rocks, soil, water, air, and plants and animals. It can be released into the environment through natural activities such as volcanic action, erosion and forest fires. Industries such as copper smelting and mining also contribute, according to the U. S. Department of Environmental Protection.

Blankenship expects to have a recommendation and a plumbing contractor hired through the board at the Thursday, Oct. 8, meeting.

During the project, it may be necessary to provide bottled water for students. From the date of the consent order the school has 15 days to provide water that does not have arsenic.

In another 15 days the project needs to be finished. Blankenship's plan is to have at least one drinking fountain in each building filtered up front. That will allow them to get rid of the bottled water quickly.

"Then we can finish the rest of the fountains and the kitchen," he said.

In line with making the water healthier for students, the board told Foist to move forward with plans to hire a designated registered nurse.

"I never fathomed our school not having a nurse. We have a room. It's all set up and has a bathroom," Foist said.

Currently Mingus has a health' aide trained in first aid, activities secretary Suzan Knight. Kay Cooper, RN, teaches the Certified Nurse's Aide program. She fills in when necessary and takes care of the required paperwork; otherwise sick students see Knight in the front office.

"Having triage in the front office is not healthy and doesn't look good when we have visitors," Foist said.

He added that medications must be monitored and dispensed by a nurse, and that he anticipates a lot of sickness this year.

"We have several students, just due to physical needs, who are on a lot of medications," Foist said.

He proposed a half-time nurse this year, and, if there is money, go full-time for the 2010-11 school year. The cost would be $29,300 at $45 an hour for half-time for the remainder of this year, according to Business Manager Kirk Waddle, who told the board the money will come from the school's Medicaid fund.

Copyright 2009 Cottonwood Journal Extra, Cottonwood, Arizona. All Rights Reserved. This content, including derivations, may not be stored or distributed in any manner, disseminated, published, broadcast, rewritten or reproduced without express, written consent from SmallTownPapers, Inc.

© 2009 Cottonwood Journal Extra Cottonwood, Arizona. All Rights Reserved. This content, including derivations, may not be stored or distributed in any manner, disseminated, published, broadcast, rewritten or reproduced without express, written consent from DAS.

Original Publication Date: September 16, 2009

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