Small Town News

Regional Government

Delaware Democrats energized by national healthcare reform

Cape Gazette of Lewes, Delaware

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Delaware Democrats received a shot in the arm when President Barack Oba-ma on Tuesday, March 23, signed the long-sought, national healthcare reform bill.

On the eve of that historic moment, the excitement was palpable as hundreds of Democrats turned out Saturday, March 20, for the Sussex County Democratic Spring Dinner in Georgetown

Sen. Tom Carper roused the crowd when he introduced former Lt. Gov. John Carney, who is running for the U.S. House of Representatives. Earlier that day Carper said he and Carney had played volleyball against Republicans at the University of Delaware, noting that the "D's won."

Turning to New Castle County Executive Chris Coons, who's running for the US. Senate, Carper also said Democrats were lucky to have a great candidate to step up to the Senate race, saying Coons knows how to make tough decisions.

Sen. Ted Kaufman, predicting Sunday's healthcare reform victory, said the bill, although not perfect, is better than the status quo and brings healthcare costs down for everyone. "If we keep the status quo with the present system, we'll go bankrupt," he said. He also pointed out that 61 percent of personal bankruptcies in the United States comes as a result of healthcare costs.

Kaufman told the Cape Gazette he plans to step down at the ned of his term. Gov. Ruth Ann Minner appointed Kaufman to the Senate seat of Vice President JoeBidenin2008.

Alma Roach, a Georgetown title searcher running for Sussex County Recorder of Deeds, sang "Happy Days are Here Again" With no shortage of talent on hand, Sussex County Register of

Wills Greg Fuller announced he'll run again, and sa ng, "One in a Million."

Sussex County Democratic Committee Chairman Ed O'Connor said, "Obama's doing yeomm's work, saving an economy that President Bush left us."

He said on the eve of passing the historic healthcare bill that Gov. Jack Markell was working very hard guiding residents though the second Great Depression

He also siid lone Democrat Sussex County Coubcilwoman Joan Deaver has a wonderful campaign strategy to get Democrats elected to the fourth and fifth councilmanic districts.

I Polly Mervine Adams and Lynn Kokjohn, daughters of phe late Sen. Thurman Adams, said the family's donating some of their father's notes and documents to the University of Delaware, i The Thurman & Hilda Adams School Fund was also established this year to provide an agricultural scholarship for-students, an announcement that drew a standing ovation.

Addressing Democrats, Biden said early in his career, Adams advised him always to do what you said you were going to do. As attorney general, Biden said be created a child predator task force and a senior citizen abuse initiative.

He called the death of Chad Spicer, the Georgetown policeman who was killed in the line of duty, and the child sexual abuses of p ediatrician Earl Bradley, tragedies he wished hadn't happened in Sussex or air rwhere.

Although he said he couldn't elaborate on Bradley's case, Biden said, "We will get justice for the victims in the case."

Finally, Biden congratulated Democrats running for office. "There's a lot of good candid ites in this room. Ifs an embarrassment of riches," he said.

© 2010 Cape Gazette Lewes, Delaware. All Rights Reserved. This content, including derivations, may not be stored or distributed in any manner, disseminated, published, broadcast, rewritten or reproduced without express, written consent from DAS.

Original Publication Date: March 26, 2010

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