Small Town News


Questioning laws, authority brings progress

Cape Gazette of Lewes, Delaware

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This weekend, Christians around the world will celebrate the courage, faith and sacrifice of a human who dared to speak forcefully and articulately about a more just and enlightened way to live. Threatened by the people's enthusiastic response to the man's message of love and allegiance to a higher order, those in power responded with force and an execution. A time of great unrest and social progress followed.

In the late 1700s, people in the New World questioned the taxes, laws and authority of their British rulers. They declared their independence and successfully fought for their freedom. The struggle wasn't just between British and Americans. Right here in Sussex County plenty of people sympathized with the British, wanting to hold on to the economic and cultural ties of the old order. Those wanting to conserve the old ways fought with those embracing change, equality and the freedom and promise of a new democracy. Great unrest and social progress followed.

Since that time, through a civil war, assassinations and other periods of great unrest, people have taken advantage of their freedoms to continue questioning laws and authority with the aim of achieving a more harmonious world through justice and forward thinking.

History continues to unfold.

In the past couple of weeks we have seen the fruit of persistent questioning and struggling in Delaware. Our legislative process is finishing the approval of civil unions which will allow all couples who make legal commitments to one another - whether heterosexual or homosexual - to enjoy all the legal benefits and protections afforded legally recognized couples. In another area of long-standing controversy, legislators are legalizing the use of a natural and affordable herb - marijuana - for medical purposes. In a society awash in synthetic and expensive drugs and struggling to pay its medical bills, we need all the affordable and natural remedies we can find.

Plenty more change lies ahead, and within will be the important constant of questioning laws and authority to help us advance.

Cape Gazette editorials are considered and written by members of the Cape Gazette editorial board which includes Dennis Forney, publisher; Trish Vernon, editor.Dave Frederick, sports editor; Laura Ritter, news editor; and Jen Ellingsworth, arts and entertainment editor.

© 2011 Cape Gazette Lewes, Delaware. All Rights Reserved. This content, including derivations, may not be stored or distributed in any manner, disseminated, published, broadcast, rewritten or reproduced without express, written consent from DAS.

Original Publication Date: April 22, 2011

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