Small Town News

Guest Opinion

Can city of Lewes absorb impact of shopping center?

Cape Gazette of Lewes, Delaware

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It is rather tragic that there seems to be a coordinated effort to discredit those in government when the future of growth and its effects are discussed. The now-accredited Sussex Land Use Plan (LUP) is by no means perfect. A little bit of history needs to be reviewed. As the LUP update was evolving and the first draft submitted to the State Planning Office for required review by state agencies, it became apparent and so stated that there was deep concern on the part of the Deptartment of Agriculture, Department of Transportation and Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control that the persistent adherence to the AR-1 zone permitting two dwelling units per acre with permitted additional density bonuses was a formula for unsustainable growth and the potential for significant loss of farmland. This concern continued right up to the final draft and accreditation meeting.

Unfortunately the understanding of the true meaning of sovereign authority of zoning granted to the county is not exercised. Otherwise, there would be a concerted effort to understand the consequences of zoning decisions which transfers the cost of such decisions to the state and thus to each of us as taxpayers.

The concern is clearly stated. As we invite the retired who we hope are "well-heeled" - so touted in the LUP - we ignore the ability to sustain those invited to come and enjoy not only the beauty of our county but also the low taxes. Where is the infrastructure? Can we promise sufficient healthcare facilities, timely emergency response, police and fire protection, adequate school space and transportation faculties? Never forget safe drinking water. In coastal Sussex, in particular, have we provided the affordable housing for those who serve as our healthcare providers, serve as police and fire protectors, teach our children, construct and repair our homes so they can live near where they work?

A current proposal through a recent advertisement which threatens the very well-being of the first city, Lewes, touts the theory that all citizen concerns are myth and - who are they? -that their responses are fact. The adjusted site plan needs to be carefully examined. When did covering the land with impervious surface become more beneficial than farmland? The assertion that our water supply comes from the north is inaccurate.

Our water supply is from our aquifers. That is why it is so important that the proposed site located in a designated critical recharge area be reviewed for appropriate protection. This includes the Lewes public wellheads.

A site can be configured with additional road capacity and "voila" all should be well. The question becomes, can the cumulative impact be sustained? Can the city of Lewes absorb and sustain the impact? Another question that must be answered is do we know the plan for the entire site or is the current proposal for only part of the site?

Please think about what has been happening since 1995 - a span of 14 years. I submit we are well on our way to losing the very reason so many want to live here and visit. Care about your county and where you live. Voice your concern Exercise your vote.

Mable Granke is a former member of the Rehoboth Beach Planning Commission and former member of the Montgomery County Planning Commission.

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Original Publication Date: August 4, 2009

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