Small Town News


District will review lawn maintenance

The Decorah Journal of Decorah, Iowa

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Citizen petition likely if school resumes spraying

If the Decorah School Board decides to resume the spraying of herbicides, there will likely be a citizen petition opposing the practice.

At Monday's meeting of the Decorah School Board, Decorah resident and environmental advocate Steve McCargar encouraged the Board "to continue to embrace the policy of not using poisons on public ground."

"The use of herbicides is connected to health risks for pregnant women, young children without immunities and people in the community with strong chemical sensivities," McCargar told the Board.

McCargar added, "It is in no way conscionable to use tax money to put those poisons in the ground."

McCargar said a number of years ago, when Ken Jensen was super intendent, a group of concerned citizens had circulated a petition, which garnered several hundred signatures.

During the time Steve Cham-bliss was superintendent, McCar-gar said Chambliss agreed to form a grounds committee, but that was never done.

"If you want to consider forming a committee comprised of people in the community, I would encourage you to do that," said McCargar, adding, "I'm sure if you decide to go down this road (using herbicides), you will have another petition. I hope it doesn't come to that."

The status During a lawn maintenance discussion which followed, Deco-rah Superintendent Mike Haluska said he and District Building and Grounds Manager Greg Schaller had met with Gary Brickman and Paul Frana from Luther College, and Nick Schwartzhoff from Winneshiek Medical Center regarding their respective approaches to turf management.

Luther applies herbicides up to three times per year, and WMC varies its approach depending on the turf's proximity to the buildings.

Haluska said he has also contacted Iowa State University Horticulturist David Minner about helping the District establish a turf management program/policy.

Haluska concluded by promising to keep the Board apprised of any further developments, and Board President Ramona Nelson encouraged Haluska to keep McCargar informed as well.

Copyright 2009 The Decorah Journal, Decorah, Iowa. All Rights Reserved. This content, including derivations, may not be stored or distributed in any manner, disseminated, published, broadcast, rewritten or reproduced without express, written consent from SmallTownPapers, Inc.

© 2010 The Decorah Journal Decorah, Iowa. All Rights Reserved. This content, including derivations, may not be stored or distributed in any manner, disseminated, published, broadcast, rewritten or reproduced without express, written consent from DAS.

Original Publication Date: October 15, 2009

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