Small Town News
Low levels of soybean rust in 6 counties
Soybean rust has been confi rmed in six counties, but at such low levels farmers are not being advised to apply fungicides, the University of Arkansas Division of Agriculture said.
Rust was confirmed Monday in Phillips County and last week in Desha, Drew, Lee and Lincoln counties. It was previously confirmed in Chicot County.
"We are not recommending a fungicide application for soybean rust control at this time due to the low disease incidence and severity levels," said Scott Monfort, extension plant pathologist for the UA Division of Agriculture. "We do not expect the disease to spread under the current sunny and dry conditions; however, the disease may continue to develop within fields where it's already confirmed."
Monfort was encouragi ng growers, agents and consultants to send in samples from suspect fields to the Division's Lonoke Diagnostic Lab or the diagnostic lab at Monticello.
Soybean rust is a fungus that can reduce yields. It often spreads through movement of storm systems. Rust also has been found in northeastern Louisiana and northern Mississippi.
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