Small Town News


School budget is looking good

DeWitt Era-Enterprise of DeWitt, Arkansas

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For the first time in several years, the DeWitt School district's budget is headed in the right direction.

The DeWitt School Board ap-proveda2009-10budgetinwhich, unlike previous years, revenues will be more than expenditures.

"We're off that list," of districts with declining balances that the state looks at every year, superintendent Gary Wayman said. Districts with declining balances over a period of years can end up on the fiscal distress list and face state penalties, including a state takeover of the district.

The projected budget for 2010 in-cludes expenditures of $9,687,817 and projects a balance at the end of the year of $2,154,832.72, an increase from $1,906,908.72 at the end of the 2008-09 school year. This comes despite cuts in state foundation funds due to declining enrollment.

The district will receive declining enrollment funding of $170,684, a one-time payment which "kind of offsets a little of this," Wayman said.

The biggest expense will continue to be the teacher's salary fund, which take sup about 80 percent of the budget. However the amount has been cut from an actual expenditure of $6,462,775.45 in 2008-09 to a projected $5,716,804 in 2009-10. Wayman explained that most of the savings would come from a number of positions being absorbed by attrition.

Wayman expects the budget will allow for a "one-time" payment to faculty in staff in November, although he declined to name an amount. This will be in addition to the one-time payment made this month using federal stimulus money.

Board member Johnny Lock-ley asked if perhaps the district needed to add to the base of the salary schedule in order to stay competitive. Wayman replied, "we 're pretty competitive right now," with only two or three districts having higher salaries. "If we're still in good shape through the summer," the district could add to the base early next year, Wayman suggested offense.

The ordi nance allows for a number of exceptions including sales or deli veries to retail merchants by wholesalers or from catalogues; sales made to regular customers at their residences or businesses; sales by or at events sponsored by any school, religious, civic, nonprofit or charitable organization; estate sales; garage or yard sales; newspaper vendors; sales at residences done by invitation (such as makeup or Tupperware parties); sales of agricultural products; or sales of crafts by the maker.

The Council put off action on the possible sale of the former Key School property pending a meeting with the DeWitt School Board Oct. 13 to settle any unresolved issues over disposal of the property.

In other action, the Council:

Approved Resolution2009-6, which approved the purchase of three police carsfrom the Missouri Highway Patrol;

Approved Resolution 2009-7, which condemns property on Dudley Street which was destroyed by fire last year;

Approved Resolution 2009-8, which allows Mayor Aubrey Mc-Ghee and City Clerk Liz Ferguson to enter into a contract with the Arkansas Development Finance Authority to receive funds for the home redevelopment program approved earlier;

Rescheduled the October Council to Oct. 15 from Oct. 12 because of the Columbus Day holiday.

Copyright 2009 DeWitt Era-Enterprise, DeWitt, Arkansas. All Rights Reserved. This content, including derivations, may not be stored or distributed in any manner, disseminated, published, broadcast, rewritten or reproduced without express, written consent from SmallTownPapers, Inc.

© 2009 DeWitt Era-Enterprise DeWitt, Arkansas. All Rights Reserved. This content, including derivations, may not be stored or distributed in any manner, disseminated, published, broadcast, rewritten or reproduced without express, written consent from DAS.

Original Publication Date: September 17, 2009

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