Small Town News

Regional Government

Edgewood Should Benefit from Realignments

Edgewood Enterprise of Edgewood, Texas

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The UIL came out with their new district realignments for all state schools on February 1, 2010 with one big new change, Class 2A will now have a Divisic n 1 (for bigger schools) and Divisic n 2 (for smaller schools). The char ge only effects football schedules, and Edgewood is in a district hat has teams from three different districts this year. One of those is even from Class 1A.

The UIL felt that thei e was a large disparity in schools f )r Class 2A, which included schools with enrollment between 200-429 children. Because they thought that the disparity was so large, they decided to split 2A into tw) different fields of play.

Schools in bigger civisions have a bigger disparity. For instance, schools in the * A divisions battle against schoals that range from 990 kids to 20c 4. That is a huge difference, but when you have more people to choc se from you are more likely to have a better team. Though the schools may have 500 more teenagers than an opponent, they still have a more even advantage because their pool of around at least 1000 children makes these teams have more quality. The disparity within the numbers might be greater for such divisions, but their pool choice is greater as well, leaving them more balanced.

So since the UIL feels that teams with 200 kids in their school are at a competitive disadvantage in football when playing against teams that have 400 children in the school, they have set up Conference 2A Division I and II. Division I hosts the bigger schools, and Division II has smaller schools.

This year the UIL committee set the cutoff number at 293.5 children. Thus if your school had less than this number they would go small, and if they had more than this number they would go large. Edgewood posted a smaller number than the cutoff limit and fell into the Class 2A Division II category. Their football district looks la lot more favorable for them to make the playoffs because of this as well.

Corsicana Mildred and Scurry-Rosser are the two teams from their last district placement which followed them to District 6. Corsicana finished 6-4 and made the playoffs, and Scurry-Rosser went 3-7 and only one won game in district play. Edgewood, for those who remember, had a great season at 7-3, but missed the playoffs due to a tiebreaker after going 4-2 in district. One of their losses was to Mildred.

Some teams from Grand Saline's old district also join the mix. Alba-Golden and Lone Oak will also play against the Bulldogs. Lone Oak finished 8-2 and was in a three-way tie with Caddo Mills and Winnsboro for the district championship. They finished because of the tie breaker in second place. Alba-Golden went 0-10 for their campaign.

The one other team in their district will be coming from Class 1A--Red Oak Life. No information about the team or their standings could be found online.

To be honest, barring some mystical change it seems that Lone Oak, Corsicana Mildred, and Edgewood should easily take the three playoff spots. Now the order of these spots could be a fight, but it does not look like anyone else in the district should be able to fight their way into a top position.

For the rest of the season, volleyball, basketball, baseball; etc., the team will be set to join most of Grand Saline's old district. They will move into District 18 to play against Alba-Golden, Como-Pickton, Grand Saline, Lone Oak, Mineola, Quitman, and

Winnsboro. This should actually be an easier district in basketball than they have right now. Mineola will be the only newcomer to Class 2A coming from their 3A position last year.

So with all of the new district realignments, it seems exciting to be a fan of any Edgewood sporting event. All sporting teams should have a good shot to make the playoffs next year which makes the games even more spectacular to watch.

Copyright 2010 Edgewood Enterprise, Edgewood, Texas. All Rights Reserved. This content, including derivations, may not be stored or distributed in any manner, disseminated, published, broadcast, rewritten or reproduced without express, written consent from SmallTownPapers, Inc.

© 2010 Edgewood Enterprise Edgewood, New Mexico. All Rights Reserved. This content, including derivations, may not be stored or distributed in any manner, disseminated, published, broadcast, rewritten or reproduced without express, written consent from DAS.

Original Publication Date: February 4, 2010

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