Small Town News


EISD Board Honors Students

Edgewood Enterprise of Edgewood, Texas

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A hefty two-page agenda plus many supporting documents were handed out at the EISD School Board Meeting on Monday, April 19, but the board members, superintendent, principals and teachers all gave preference to honoring students who have made recent outstanding contributions to their school.

A myriad of end-of-year school activities was announced by all four principals, financial reports were read, routine reports were approved, but in the midst of such ever-present and pressing business matters, the entire group of more than 30 attending the meeting, left the high school library and took a "field trip" outside to see the state-of-the-art, 12-foot hydraulic dump trailer that had been built by members of the Agriculture Mechanics class over a period of nearly eight months.

Taught by Cody Wilcoxson, the young men proudly showed off the project which took more than eight months and all of their spring break time to complete and then place third out of 25 entries at a recent Houston competition as well as first place at the Van Zandt County Fair. Superintendent Jack Shellnutt and Board President Melvin Davis praised the students and teacher who manufactured such an impressive piece of equipment. The students who worked on the trailer said that in Houston they had to stay with the trailer while judges "interrogated" them about the hydraulic system, electrical system, metalwork, strength and all other aspects of building and assembling the trailer. Proudly wearing their brown FFA tee-shirts, they told people at the School Board meeting more of the details of their work and the commitment they had to make to accomplish such an ambitious project.

Other students honored were "students of the month" Justin Jackson and Ashley Owen who were given the prestigious award for March, based on their citizenship, leadership and personal discipline in school.

An academic standout was announced with a student winning first place in the UIL Spelling Contest.

The TAKS testing is taking place this week, so campus emphasis is on optimal conditions for students involved in these state-mandated examinations.

Considering and discussing high school course offerings for the 2010-2111 school year was the hardest work of the evening meeting. Concerned adults involved in the education of Edgewood's young people grappled with the difficult decisions in creating possible courses to prepare high school students for college careers as well as certificate program sin health and science technology. Certified Nursing Assistant for 2010 and Emergency Medicine Technician for 2011 are two of the certificate programs planned. These must have certified faculty pre-requisite high school courses and tuition agreements with Trinity Valley Community College (TVCC) all in place before the classes can be offered. Faculty members are meeting with TVCC concerning class sizes, tuition rates, and are also investigating how to apply to the Texas Virtual School. This computer-base3d instructional tool greatly decreases tuition costs.

High school faculty members also discussed the pros and cons of Advanced Placement (AP) classes versus Weighted Classes. The Board voted to adopt the Weighted Classes because they, offer opportunities for students to take college-level courses while still in high school, at a rate of $170 tuition, compared to $650 once at TVCC.

Reports from the Elementary Campus included a recent filed trip of all third graders to TVCC to see the play, "Charlotte's Web." That division has advertised and is enrolling children for pre-kinder-garten and kindergarten, a magic show is planned, first grade will go to the circus, second grade is presenting a musical, Field Day will take place and women who read regularly to the children will be honored April 29 at a luncheon for them. Ninety-nine children in thisdivision have perfect attendance.

The Intermediate Campus looks forward to Science Week with a visit to the planetarium in Commerce. The students will also complete the TAKS, and enjoy field trips for third graders to the Mesquite Rodeo, for fourth graders to the zoo and fifth graders to the zoo and fifth graders to the Oil Museum. Field Day and a semester party will help celebrate the end of school, coming May 28.

The Middle School Campus is involved in week-long academic activities in anticipation for the TAKS science test. Universal

Copyright 2010 Edgewood Enterprise, Edgewood, Texas. All Rights Reserved. This content, including derivations, may not be stored or distributed in any manner, disseminated, published, broadcast, rewritten or reproduced without express, written consent from SmallTownPapers, Inc.

© 2010 Edgewood Enterprise Edgewood, New Mexico. All Rights Reserved. This content, including derivations, may not be stored or distributed in any manner, disseminated, published, broadcast, rewritten or reproduced without express, written consent from DAS.

Original Publication Date: April 29, 2010

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