Small Town News

Local Politics

Voters pamphlet a wealth of useful information on election

The Goldendale Sentinel of Goldendale, Washington

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The 2009 Washington State Voters' Pamphlet is one of those rare publications from a government agency. You can actually make sense of it.

Not that it still doesn't take some wading through, especially the portions on the state referendums, which are very hot topics. But even those are manageable enough that one can at least get the overall sense of the matter.

The state produces the first part of the document, and each county supplies the information contained in the rest of the pamphlet. Klickitat County's portion, produced by the County Auditor's office, is very straightforward, with the most perplexing aspect of it being why certain candidates didn't supply their own pictures and information for the document.

The pamphlet opens with a summary of voter qualifications required to vote in the state, followed by a discussion of the ballot measure process. The latter essentially consists of two methods of direct legislative power, the initiative and the referendum. There are two kinds of each of these.

An initiative to the people arises from the populace when sufficient signatures are acquired to bring it to a statewide vote. An initiative to the legislature also requires a minimal number of signatures and then goes to consideration before the legislature.

A referendum bill is one that is proposed to the electorate by the legislature. A referendum measure is a law passed by the legislature that ends up on the ballot because of petitions signed by voters.

Everything clear so far?

This year there is one initiative and one referendum measure coming before voters. Both are highly controversial.

Initiative 1033 proposes to limit certain state, county, and city revenues to keep pace with annual inflation and population growth (excluding voter-approved revenue increases). Any revenues collected above that limit would be applied to reducing property taxes. Sounds almost simple, but the nine pages that discuss the initiative reflect a broad potential for differing interpretations. Page 10 of the guide summarizes pro and con views on the initiative, though these are prepared by organizations and individuals with clearly vested interests toward their viewpoint. It's generally not favored by most municipalities, including Goldendale.

The serious hot potato, though, is Referendum Measure 71, popularly (or unpopularly) known as the "Anything But Marriage" referendum. It would provide the same rights that married spouses have to state-registered same-sex and senior domestic partners. That is to say, if a same-sex couple is recorded in a domestic partnership registry by the state, they would have the same legal rights, responsibilities, and obligations as any legally married couple in the state.

A full 37 pages of the 72-page Klickitat County pamphlet are devoted to this referendum. The entire text of the referendum is included. Only page 18 provides brief, and highly partisan, pro and con summaries.

Pages 52 and 53 of the document provide an interesting overview of the Washington Women's Suffrage Museum Exhibit, showing a timeline of the era of women voting in the U. S.

As with many elections, the issues at stake this Nov. 3 are likely to be voted on at a visceral level. But at least voters here have a document that is reasonably helpful.

Copyright 2009 The Goldendale Sentinel, Goldendale, Washington. All Rights Reserved. This content, including derivations, may not be stored or distributed in any manner, disseminated, published, broadcast, rewritten or reproduced without express, written consent from SmallTownPapers, Inc.

© 2010 The Goldendale Sentinel Goldendale, Washington. All Rights Reserved. This content, including derivations, may not be stored or distributed in any manner, disseminated, published, broadcast, rewritten or reproduced without express, written consent from DAS.

Original Publication Date: October 15, 2009

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