Small Town News


Selichot across Orlando

Heritage Florida Jewish News of Fern Park, Florida

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Several large Central Florida synagogues will be teaming up to offer joint Selichot services this year, and others will hold individual congregational services open to the community. Selichot, held the Saturday night before Rosh Hashanah, means "forgiveness," and consists of the pre-High Holiday penitential prayers emphasizing God's mercy. Services will be held on Sept. 4 this year (or for congregations starting traditionalservicesatmidnight, technically on Sept. 5).

Congregation Beth Am and Southwest Orlando Jewish Congregation will hold joint "SelichotFortheBodyandSoul" services at Beth Am, at 3899 Sand Lake Road in Longwood. Chiropractor Dr. Robert Rosenberg will hold an interactive workshop following Havdalah (which begins at 9:30 p.m.). Thentherewillbea "surnptuous and sweet" pre-Selichot Oneg before prayers begin at 11 p.m. with SOJC's Cantor Doug Ramsay, Beth Am's Norman Levin and the Beth Am choir under the direction of Ellen Jewell.

Temple Israel and Congregation Ohev Shalom will join together starting at 9 p.m.for their community Selichot study session and service at Temple Israel at50 S. Moss Road in Winter Springs. Rabbi Aaron Rubinger and Rabbi David Kay of COS will join Temple Israel's Rabbi Joshua Neely in "spiritually moving discussions to prepare us for the new year." At 9:45 p.m., participants will come together for refreshments in the social hall. At 10:15 p.m., the Selichot service will begin in the sanctuary.

Congregation of Reform Judaism will holds its own Selichot service, as will Chabad of South Orlando. CRJ's service, with Rabbi Steven Engel and Cantor Jacqueline Rawiszer officiating, will begin at 9 p.m. at 928 Malone Dr. in Orlando, and features a dessert reception.

Chabad of South Orlando will host Selichot services beginning at 12 midnight (so technically on Sept. 5), at 7504 Universal Blvd., Orlando.

Call individual synagogues for more information: Beth Am at 407-862-3505; Temple Israel at 407-647-3055; CRJ at 407-645-0444 and Chabadof South Orlando at 407-354-3660.

More from organizers of Selichot with Beth Am/SOJC:

"Few soundsare more mystical and breathtaking than the sound of the shofar heard daily during the month of Elul," say organizers of the Beth Am/ SOJC event. "And no shofar blast is perhaps more awe-inspiring than the blastheardatmidnight at the conclusion of the Selichot service."

In Dr. Robert Rosenberg's program, entitled "To Stress or ? NotToStress...ThatIstheQues-tion!" attendees will learn and practice techniques to manage stress and laugh their way to better health. Rosenberg says he believes this will help people dedicate themselves to achieve optimum mental and physical wellness in the New Year. After the "sumptuous and sweet" Oneg and Selichot prayers, as the clock strikes midnight Dr. Neal Silverstein will sound the shofar to herald the coming of Rosh Hashanah and "awaken our souls" in preparation for the High Holy Days.

SOJC's Cantor Ramsay says, "Selichot launches the Days of Awe as a last minute wake-up call. Honest and meaningful teshuvah cannot be accomplished with an all-nighter cram study session. We must awaken in time to act upon that which we have discovered about ourselves."

"At SOJC," says Ramsay, "we endeavor to nurture the spiritual joys of Judaism, along with the personal and communal connections that strengthen us to live as Jews in the real world. Workingwith Rabbi Rick Sherwin and the family at Beth Am in the past has always given me the sense that we are on the same page. Every opportunity to work with Rabbi Rick has always been a profound joy for me."

Rabbi RickSherwin, spiritual leader of Congregation Beth Am, says, "The Selichot service takes place at the end of Shab-bat, the one day each week we picture the world as it should be and consider ways to bring the world one step closer to the way itshouldbe in thecomingweek.

"The purpose of the Selichot service is to inspire us to bring ourselves one step closer to the way we should be in the coming year. I am honored that Congregation Beth Am and SOJC are opening the High Holy Day season together. It is appropriate that the partnering of our congregations brings together both the 'south' side and the 'north' side of Orlando. We all need to pull together to begin the New Year. Cantor Ramsay brings his cantorial skills to the bimah, but more importantly he brings his heart."

Jim RIola, Beth Am presi-dent, promises, "The only 'charge'associated with attending this year's Selichot service at Beth Am will be the spiritual charge those in attendance will feel at the end of what promises to be an entertaining and inspiring evening."

More from organizers of Selichot with Temple Israel/ Congregation Ohev Shalom:

"Self-reflectionandawilling-ness to forgive are the hallmark of a great person. Selichot reminds us of the need to be our better selves and focuses us to do the spiritual work necessary before Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur. Everyone in the community is cordially invited to attend this special evening of study and prayer."

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© 2011 Heritage Florida Jewish News Fern Park, Florida. All Rights Reserved. This content, including derivations, may not be stored or distributed in any manner, disseminated, published, broadcast, rewritten or reproduced without express, written consent from DAS.

Original Publication Date: September 3, 2010

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