Small Town News


Employee sick leave bank created

The Lovell Chronicle of Lovell, Wyoming

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Many employers offer sick days, but most plans don't account for illnesses that require more than a couple weeks away from work.

Following action last Wednesday, Sept. 8, employees of Big Horn County School District No. 1 will be able to participate in a sick-leave pool designed to give extra sick days to employees who have to miss work for an extended period due to illness.

Superintendent ofSchools Shon Hocker said the board changed some of the wording in the new policy, which passed on final reading at the board meeting.

One change makes it so that if the sick leave bank committee decides they need to request more days from employees but a particular employee has

already used all of his or her sick days for the year, that employee would be allowed to participate in the bank until the beginning of the next school year.

Hocker said the board's concern with the original wording of the policy was that employees could be kicked out of the program if they run out of days to contribute.

Another change to the policy is that if an employee requests 20 or more days from the sick leave pool, that the request be brought before the board of trustees for approval. Requests for fewer than 20 days will be decided by a sick leave bank committee, made up of district stakeholders and representatives of each building in the district.

The board also designated committee members and terms of service.

After sending out letters to employees regardingthe sick leave pool, Hocker said about 45 people had already opted into the program as of Tuesday.

The board discussed wording of the elementary school early literacy plan following a presentation by curriculum director Patrice Riley. Hocker said the early literacy plan is part of the district's strategic plan goals and it is also required under the state's early literacy plan.

The board talked about possible resolutions to bring before the Wyoming School Boards Association, but they did not author a resolution. Hocker said the board supports the current resolutions put out by the WSBA.

In other action Wednesday, the board:

Hired Susan Dough-try as a custodian at Rocky Mountain High School.

Approved assigning

Julie Winland to the position of head middle school volleyball coach at Rocky Mountain.

Approved assigning Spencer Clark to the position of assistant middle school volleyball coach at Rocky Mountain.

Approved a list of out-of-district students as submitted.

Approved a policy on second and final reading regarding student attendance.

Approved policies on second and final reading to update support and professional staff leaves and absences.

Approved on second and final reading policies regarding professional and support staff fringe benefits.

Approved a policy on second and final reading regarding managing students with food allergies.

Copyright 2010 The Lovell Chronicle, Lovell, Wyoming. All Rights Reserved. This content, including derivations, may not be stored or distributed in any manner, disseminated, published, broadcast, rewritten or reproduced without express, written consent from SmallTownPapers, Inc.

© 2011 The Lovell Chronicle Lovell, Wyoming. All Rights Reserved. This content, including derivations, may not be stored or distributed in any manner, disseminated, published, broadcast, rewritten or reproduced without express, written consent from DAS.

Original Publication Date: September 16, 2010

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