Small Town News

National Politics

Angry American voters turning against major political parties

The Loris Scene of Loris, South Carolina

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Americans are "angry" at the federal government and have no confidence in either the Republican or Democratic parties, according to a recent poll.

The Rasmussen poll, showing 66% are angry about federal government policies and 60% believe neither "Big Box" party has solutions for the country is the latest indication of voters' increasing frustration with those controlling our government.

The Constitution Party the fast-growing third party poised to become the antidote to voter distemper, points to the new survey as another signal that voter outrage is turning the tide against Washington's ruling elite.

"This summer's tea parties, and Town Hall meetings are signals Americans feel ignored by those they elected to represent them", noted Constitution Party National Chairman Jim Clyrner. "Both parties, when in power, follow virtually the same agenda despite rhetoric to the contrary," he stated, saying, "The Democrats are merely building on the foundation built by Republican administrations before them. Unconstitutional Bailouts, wars, encroachments on civil liberties and disregard for immigration law were cemented under the Bush administration. Now President Obama continues the rampage against the Constitution with those and other affronts to our liberty like the proposed takeover of the healthcare industry and the unconstitutional appointment of'czars'."

Recent polls underscore voter disdain for the political status quo in a survey that shows Americans consider members of Congress the least respected profession in the country.

"This didn't happen overnight. After decades of being ignored Americans are finally pushing back," Clymer added.

Clymer pointed to another hot button issue to illustrate just how similar the political duopoly is: The federally-funded "community organizing" group ACORN which has come under fire for voter fraud and more recently for promoting tax evasion and underage prostitution, first received funding under the Bush administration.

According to Accuracy in Media's Cliff Kincaid," most of the federal money going to the organization was provided under President George W. Bush. This is not something that most Republicans want to talk about, especially now that they can use ACORN funding as a weapon against Obama and the Democrats."

"This is a prime example of the reasons Americans are increasingly ready for the Constitution Party," Clymer predicted.

Copyright 2009 The Loris Scene, Loris, South Carolina. All Rights Reserved. This content, including derivations, may not be stored or distributed in any manner, disseminated, published, broadcast, rewritten or reproduced without express, written consent from SmallTownPapers, Inc.

© 2009 The Loris Scene Loris, South Carolina. All Rights Reserved. This content, including derivations, may not be stored or distributed in any manner, disseminated, published, broadcast, rewritten or reproduced without express, written consent from DAS.

Original Publication Date: September 30, 2009

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