Small Town News

Guest Opinion

Recliner clearinghouse gets another

The Malakoff News of Malakoff, Texas

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For Sale: Worn but comfortable old leather sofa, twin recliners, perfect for college student. $100.

If that ad looks familiar to you, you may have read it in my column a couple of weeks ago. It was the ad Carl had found on Craig's List that led us to North Dallas to purchase my former couch. That's right. I said former couch. It is just a fading memory to my living room, because now we have found the recliners of our dreams.

If you missed it, I've been chronicling my fickle relationship with used recliners and reclining sofas, getting the first ones from Longview and the aforementioned sofa. But now all that is behind us, and we are sitting in two beautiful tan leather Lazy Boy recliners. They miraculously appeared to us last week. We visited one of Carl's relatives, a widow, who is selling everything and moving to California. There they sat - these two lovely recliners, barely used, just begging to go home with us. These are much newer than my other old leather stuff, but they look great with it, and don't put it to shame at all. It's a good thing we like these, because we couldn't really haggle prices with a widow. But if they hadn't worked out, I'm afraid we might not have been able to get our money back like we did with the other recliners, and like I hope to do with the double recliner couch, which really is for sale. It is pretty beat up, but it sure is comfortable. And while I liked it OK in my living room, and you might be more particular. Anyhow, it is now sitting in the back hall in the rehab building of Cedar Lake Nursing Home, forlorn, rejected and looking for somebody to love it.

The other thing I've been doing besides becoming a clearinghouse for recliners is going to some training through Landmark Education. It is a modernized version of EST that made such an impact on many people's lives back in the 1970s and '80s. It starts with a really intensive weekend, consisting of three 12-hour days, where you are coached into taking responsibility for whatever is clogging up your life and stealing your joy, and are given the tools to understand and deal with it. Included in the package is also a seminar that stretches over 10 Monday nights. I figured with the threats of massive funding cuts to nursing homes and home health and hospice agencies that our businesses are going to have to face, I'd better get all the help I can get in thinking clearly. 1 am determined that we will survive this crisis. Not only survive, but get better and stronger.

Last month Time Magazine did a big article on self improvement, featuring Landmark, and calling it "remarkably insightful," and "the natural first stop in any transformation tour."

This training is really helping me in a lot of areas of my life. If you're interested, you can read about it at, and a lot of other places on the Internet if you just Google it.

Copyright 2011 The Malakoff News, Malakoff, Texas. All Rights Reserved. This content, including derivations, may not be stored or distributed in any manner, disseminated, published, broadcast, rewritten or reproduced without express, written consent from SmallTownPapers, Inc.

© 2011 The Malakoff News Malakoff, Texas. All Rights Reserved. This content, including derivations, may not be stored or distributed in any manner, disseminated, published, broadcast, rewritten or reproduced without express, written consent from DAS.

Original Publication Date: April 8, 2011

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