Small Town News

Guest Opinion

You want who to be a teacher?

The Malakoff News of Malakoff, Texas

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When God placed me on the mission field, there was one thing we hadn't given much thought about. 1 needed a job! Doing what? That was the question. All I had ever done was fire fighting and construction work. I began looking for work. I filled out applications at Lowes, Walmart, etc.. but nothing looked very promising. One day I was driving through Tomball, and as 1 passed the Tomball ISD Administration building, God's Holy Spirit impressed upon me to stop and see about a job in their maintenance department. I asked the lady at the front desk about a job, she sent me down the road to the maintenance office. The receptionist told me to go right in and talk to Mr. Lewis, the maintenance director. I waked into his office and extended my hand and said, Mr. Lewis, my name is Buddy Hazell, God sent me here to be your carpenter." He looked at me and replied. "1 was just going to the newspaper office to put an ad in the paper for a carpenter, sit down." He said, "Tell me about yourself," and I shared my salvation experience, my calling to preach, and my call to the mission field. He then shared with me his salvation experience, then told me that he had better hire me or answer to God. I went to work the next day.

I enjoyed working at the school, doing something I loved and getting paid for it. One day, the Superintendent sent word for me to come to his office. When I got mere, he said, "Buddy our Building Trades Teacher has quit, and I would like for you to teach that class." "Me teach!, I'm not a teacher. I've never taught anything except vacation Bible

school," "I have watched you work, and I believe you can teach these kids," he said. "I will get you an emergency permit, and you can go to school for two years and get certified."

"Wellll." I replied, "let's give it a try."

In the classroom I went. Everything went well until payday came around. I had taken a $300 a month cut in pay! "Ouch." To the Super's office 1 went. After about two hours of bickering, we agreed that I would finish the school year, so they could find another teacher, and then go back to maintenance and my regular pay.

About three months later Mr. Lewis told me that the Vocational Director at Waller had called him and said that he needed a Building Trades teacher and that he would talk to me. We talked about it for a while and discussed the fact that it would place me in Waller where the Mission was. Mr. Lewis told me that the

job was mine if! wanted it, and why not go talk to Mr. Bob Prisock at Waller. Then he said, "Why not just jump the school truck and go over there now?"

1 drove over to Waller and walked into the man's office and as I opened the door he said, "You must be Mr. Hazell, Mr. Lewis has told me all I need to know about you. Sit down." We talked awhile and toured the campus and looked over the Building Trades classroom and shop area, and met the principal. We then talked about money, haggled a bit and arrived at a salary. Two weeks later I was the new Construction Trades teacher at Waller High School.

That summer, I enrolled at Sam Houston State University; I went to school two nights a week for two years and received my teaching certificate.

Me a teacher? "I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me. Phil. 4-13." I believe it.

Copyright 2011 The Malakoff News, Malakoff, Texas. All Rights Reserved. This content, including derivations, may not be stored or distributed in any manner, disseminated, published, broadcast, rewritten or reproduced without express, written consent from SmallTownPapers, Inc.

© 2011 The Malakoff News Malakoff, Texas. All Rights Reserved. This content, including derivations, may not be stored or distributed in any manner, disseminated, published, broadcast, rewritten or reproduced without express, written consent from DAS.

Original Publication Date: April 15, 2011

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