Small Town News

Guest Opinion

Keeping memories safe isnt always appreciated

The Malakoff News of Malakoff, Texas

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Escapades of Emily

For as long as I can remember, keepsakes of mine went in a special drawer or book. Love letters, program covers, newspaper clippings, anything I might cherish. I did not change upon becoming a mother. I worsened. I knew I couldn't save everything, but a special dress or jacket, a mention of one's name in print, maybe a sling-shot carved by a granddad, some school papers, trophies, this had to be put away for another day.

Then the photos I took or those given me - I had them carefully arranged in albums mostly in chronological or particular subject order. Then the mind-boggling news came that albums used then were not acid free or something, and the pictures would stick, ruin, tear up, or worse and should be put in newer books. 1 could not leave the albums alone. 1 began changing out, ruining many photos, and lost my ability to organize the pictures.

Then I began making scrapbooks for each grown child, each child of his graduating, family albums going back as far as I could find pictures of ancestors. Then I had all these school pictures saved and realized liking to shoot a camera could be my demise.

But the worst part of all this saving, mostly for my children, is they don't treasure keepsakes as 1 do. They look, comment nicely, and then, 1 suppose, can throw away.

Children born in 1965 (I have three of these) or beyond, the X generation, also are known as the disposable or some other similar name. They don't want what I've saved for them, won't take it. Some antique furniture has meaning but probably for different reasons, maybe a cheap price that can be redone, refurbished then even something free.

One son said when "that" day came for my house to be emptied, he would back a dump truck to the front door. His siblings would help him as item after item went out. I've already warned them about no "estate" sale.

Several times I've asked the older son if he will lake his 1984 FFA jacket with awards on it. "I'll get it next time." Since the other son's 44-year-old soccer shirt with all his goals on the back is here, and his oldest child is playing soccer, I begged him to take it. I wonder where it is.

As soon as 1 retired from work, I decided I had too much stuff If an item had no memory or name, out it went. One daughter or my late mother would often slip the item back in, and I had to repeat the act. This daughter was born in 1964.

As soon as I felt 1 had made progress, 1 found another basket or box with paraphernalia to go through. Pictures began multiplying in the night just after I had managed to give some away.

Every day for 12 years (with breaks) this challenge of downsizing has ruled me. Some mothers say for meanness they are not throwing anything away just to make their kids see it.

My salvation now is having four large different colored storage boxes with lids in a closet, one for each child, and items related to that family go into the box. Now I'm going to go through the boxes one more time for further elimination. Of course, as the grandchildren grow, 1 must have more pictures. . 1 think I'm in the "Y" generation, between the Greatest Generation and the Boomers when not many babies were born. Five years older or five years younger than I, and you are with me. I have the long knit shirt, red and white, I wore to the hospital to have two of my children. I have a belt to a pretty dress that fit me when I had a waist. Yet, I'm improving.

Recently I visited the daughter who tells me, "Don't keep that, Mama." Looking through her closet for a coat, I saw the dress she wore for her engagement picture over 22 years ago. When 1 called her hand about it, she had little to say. A thread of me lives on.

Copyright 2010 The Malakoff News, Malakoff, Texas. All Rights Reserved. This content, including derivations, may not be stored or distributed in any manner, disseminated, published, broadcast, rewritten or reproduced without express, written consent from SmallTownPapers, Inc.

© 2010 The Malakoff News Malakoff, Texas. All Rights Reserved. This content, including derivations, may not be stored or distributed in any manner, disseminated, published, broadcast, rewritten or reproduced without express, written consent from DAS.

Original Publication Date: April 30, 2010

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