Small Town News

Guest Opinion

Lots of things going on in the summer time

The Malakoff News of Malakoff, Texas

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Today is the first day of summer! The next three days will be the longest days of the year, maybe the hottest also. It has been hot!

Laura was back writing the Bethel News. Me with what I can guess at and Emily from Trinidad, we are helping the papers be better! Yes, we do! I'm talking to people that say so.

Thursday five ladies from our apartments, Susan, Nell, Lou, Sue P and me went to the First Baptist Church for Roxie Glenn's memorial, a large crowd was there. Roxie was a member at First Baptist, a lot of people loved Roxie. I met one of her granddaughters, told her that I knew her when she lived at Cross Roads.

Saturday was the big day for Malcolm Kinsey. He celebrated his big 94 years with a homemade ice cream party hosted by his son James Kinsey and daughter Peggy (Kinsey) Halbert. Thirty-one guests enjoyed the day including his three grandsons, Mike from Oklahoma, Steve from around Dallas, Jodie Kinsey from Athens, but working in Galveston. Granddaughter "Sissie" Kinsey, a recording star in Nashville, Tenn., was not able to be there, but called and talked with "Grandpa"! Some other friends were there, long time friend Alfred Williams, Douglas Rainwater from Malakoff, Leon Johnson, and James Curtiss. I know James but it's been a long time. He spoke to me and called my name, good to see him. Others that had to tell me their names, Rose Tin-ney, June (McMichel?) Barbara Loper, Mr. Waters and Henry Lusk, they had their guitars, so they did some "picking and grinning"! Malcolm knew my parents before they married, also my grandparents, long years ago, so he has known me all my life. His mind is still good can remember a lot of things. He has done a lot of work, was a farmer, wielder, carpenter, chief of police, truck driver and was manager for Arch Underwood for fourteen years. He is a kind man, loved by his wife the late Carnell (Porter) Kinsey, his children Peggy and James. He taught me how to play dominos, but not how to win. He's blind like me. He said if I could see better, I could play-better; he could tell me what I had in my hand. He has been a good friend. We don't get to see each other unless someone takes us, but we talk a lot. Bless you Malcolm, may you have many more good years! We have had two more deaths. Thursday night Freddie "Shorty" Trussell died. He had cancer. I only knew this for three weeks. Mutt and Pauline are his parents, our sympathy to them. The other person I knew was from early school years, a friend from Cross Roads, she was Elizabeth "Norman" Ranaido. She was the daughter to Don Norman and Dorothy Gage Norman. She had a sister my age, Mildred Norman. We were in the first grade together at Cross Roads. Two brothers survive twins Olen and Nolen Norman.

When I laid my dress on the bed yesterday, getting ready for church I thought that dress sure was wide at the waist. When I put it on, yes it was wide, but it fit. That told me something! So today I may think about it, have a pan of cornbread, one big slice gone, but plenty left. I also have a crockpot cooking some white beans, also have a nice home grown tomato that Denise Leopard shared! I had guest at my house Friday, Lisa, Penny and Johnny Whorley from Dallas came down, we ate lunch today, really enjoyed the day.

Pat Kinabrew had her family, "Lewis" kin, for a family reunion at her house over 30 people were there, had a good time!

Thanks for reading!

Copyright 2010 The Malakoff News, Malakoff, Texas. All Rights Reserved. This content, including derivations, may not be stored or distributed in any manner, disseminated, published, broadcast, rewritten or reproduced without express, written consent from SmallTownPapers, Inc.

© 2011 The Malakoff News Malakoff, Texas. All Rights Reserved. This content, including derivations, may not be stored or distributed in any manner, disseminated, published, broadcast, rewritten or reproduced without express, written consent from DAS.

Original Publication Date: June 25, 2010

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