Small Town News
Smoking ban and local bars
A few weeks ago there was a statewide ban imposed on smoking in all establishments.
Curious as to how it affected life in Big Sandy night spots, the "Mountaineer" found that life after the smoking ban is just about the same as before.
At the Redneck Bar, Jerry Fredenberg stated that there were a few people who said they would not be back if they could not smoke but most all of them were back three days later.
"There were some people I did not think would come back if they could not smoke but they are back too," said Fredenberg.
It is the same bar as before Fredenberg says with a smile except that his clothes do not smell of cigarettes after a shift these days.
If there is any change at all, it could be in gambling habits.
Before the ban when people could smoke in the Casino but not the bar, I noticed more people gambling just to be able to smoke," said Fredenberg. "It used to be that people would smoke and gamble straight through. Now they stop gambling and go outside for a smoke. That has been really the only change I have noticed."
Then there are the mechanical cigarettes which have been spotted both at the Red Neck and the Mint.
These cigarettes, mostly bought over the internet will give the jolt of a real cigarette but emit a harmless water vapor into the air when smoked.
Leslie Gregory tends bar part time at the Mint. She has encountered a mechanical cigarette and people who reluctantly put a real cigarette out when the ban first came into effect. However, put them out they did.
One of the strange effects of the ban was the wealth of material on stopping smoking that was given to bar staffs in an apparent move for servers to get their patrons to quit cold turkey.
"I didn't get anyone to stop," said Gregory with a laugh. "We don't have a lot of smokers at the Mint anyway and most all of them knew a long time before that it was coming."
Asked how Gregory felt the ban would affect Mint business when it gets to be forty below zero and patrons must stand outside of the front door and smoke, Gregory said, "That is what they will do. Maybe they will just go out and take a couple of puffs and throw the cigarette away and come back in quickly but they will smoke outside no matter what the weather."
Meanwhile over at PePs, the smoking ban was an entirely different matter. There, a no smoking ban had been imposed in 2008 when Josh Danreuther took over the business.
"I came from Seattle where there was no smoking," said Danreuther. "I thought it would be a good idea here, especially after coming back and cleaning the place. Besides I didn't want me or my staff to have to work where there was a smoke atmosphere."
People were taken aback by Danreuther's decision but it has worked out well.
"At first there were people who would not come in because they could not smoke," Danreuther continued. "But then I found that there were others coming in just because it was smoke free. Now, with no smoking anywhere, most everyone is coming in again."
Danreuther thinks that it is Havre and Box Elder who are hurting because hard core smokers can still smoke on the reservation.
"That has not hurt Big Sandy," said Danreuther, "But it has hurt other places."
Whether it is outside of the restaurant or the bowling alley or the bar or the grocery store, smokers huddle, out of the wind if possible, shivering in the cold and damp December air.
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