Small Town News

Regional Government

Pierce Town Board names skate park in memory of Shane Stewart;

The North Weld Herald of Eaton, Colorado

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Double J requests being reconnected to sewer system

The Board of Trustees of the Town of Pierce met in regular session in the Town Hall Chambers Oct. 12 at 7:30 p.m.

The meeting was called to order by Mayor Craig Cleveland. Roll call was taken and the following Trustees comprising a quorum were in attendance: Mayor Craig Cleveland, Trustee Sue Spurgeon-Paris (participated by phone), Donna O'Connor, David Guzman, William Hansen, Doyle Hoover, Mary Heberlee. Others Present: Don Hoff, Town Attorney, Pat Larson, Town Clerk, Mike Ketterling, Town Engineer, and Rich Strang, Police Chief.

Approval of Minutes: The minutes of the September 14, 2009 regular meeting were read and considered. Being no additions or corrections, Mayor Cleveland declared the minutes approved as written.

Approval of Agenda: There were no additions or modifications to the agenda.

Public invited to be heard: There were no public comments.

Bertie Hargis is requesting the Board reconsider the structure of water surcharges: Bertie has been tracking her water usage in an attempt to stay below her yearly allotment of 228,000 gallons. It will be very close this year. She understands what the council is up against but she also understands the residents' side of the issue. This year was mild heat and in a really hot year she will not be able to keep her yard looking nice and not pay surcharge. She requested the board increase the allotment or allow water allotments from vacant properties be used at other locations.

Mayor Cleveland acknowledged the concern and explained the allotment is based on the snowpack levels and the allotment provided to the Town from Northern Colorado Water Conservancy District. On the average Northern Colorado Water Conservancy District allots 70% of an acre foot of water and this is where the Town has determined the 228,000 gallons for properties who have provided a full acre foot of water. The Town does not have excess water available and if more water is used than provided to North Weld County Water District the Town pays a surcharge and this is carried on to the user. If more water is transferred to the Town the allotment will be increased. Bertie requested the Board continue to look at another method.

Pattie Ullmer with Coldwell Banker requesting help with the bill at 804 4th Street: Pattie was not available to attend the meeting and asked the Clerk to request the Board write off all or part of the bill owing at 804 4th Street. She is trying to sell the property and these charges are causing some problems.

Board discussion determined the charges cannot be written off.

Motion made by Trustee Hansen not to consider waiving the charges. Second by O'Connor. All "AYES", motion passed.

Sue Spurgeon-Paris was no longer participating after this item.

Consider options available for a vacant lot at 407 2nd Street-Bob Phillips: Bob expressed concerns of not being aware of the non-conforming use ordinance stating a mobile home must be replaced within one year. He had many conversations with the Town Hall about interested parties wanting to move another home into the lot but was not informed of the regulations.

Mayor Cleveland suggested the Board consider allowing a mobile home be moved onto the vacant lot if Bob agrees to remove the small mobile home on the south end of the property. Board discussion determined this to be a good plan but the mobile home would have to be placed on a foundation to meet ordinance requirement. Bob was directed to contact the Town Clerk to discuss the ordinance requirements.

Motion made by Trustee Hansen to allow a mobile home be moved in at 407 2nd Street if the small mobile home on the south side of the property is removed. The time allowance will be one year from the time the small mobile home is removed. Second by O'Connor. All "AYES", motion passed.

Consider electrical bids to install generator at the Fire Station in conjunction with the Tornado Siren: Mayor Cleveland discussed the electrical bids with the Fire Department. This generator will be located at the Fire Station for the emergency shelter. Since the Fire Department will benefit from this installation, they have agreed to pay half of the cost and accepted the lowest bid from Spring Creek Electrical Inc. for $7,844.11. Although Mayor Cleveland had understood the electrical costs to be included in the grant money from Weld County

Commissioners, this expense is minimal to provide an emergency shelter.

Motion made by Trustee Guzman to accept the electrical bid from Spring Creek Electrical Inc. for $7844.11 with the understanding the Town and Fire Department will split the cost. Second by Heberlee. All "AYES", motion passed.

Approve letter of extension for water lease with City of Thornton: This water lease is necessary for the Town augmentation plan.

Motion made by Trustee O'Connor to accept the water lease with the City of Thornton. Second by Hansen. All "AYES", motion passed.

Officially name and assign an address to the skate park: Rick Crom, the Planning Commissioner, suggested the address of 500 E Main. Board discussion determined the skate park should be named the Shane Stewart Memorial Skate Park as long as the Town receives family permission.

Motion made by Trustee O'Connor to name the skate parkthe Shane Stewart Memorial Skate Park pending family approval. Second by Hansen. All "AYES", motion passed.

Accept the Declarations of Covenants and Conditions for the skate park: The grant from GOCO requires the skate park be designated a park for 25 years.

Motion made by Trustee Hansen to accept the Declarations of Covenants and Conditions for the skate park designating it as a skate park for 25 years. Second by Hoover. All "AYES", motion passed.

Consider sending letters to flood area residents: Board discussion determined the need to send a letter to all residents along with their October 2009 utility bill notifying them of the requirements in the Floodway or Floodplain. Changes were made to the letter.

Motion made by Trustee O'Connor to send the letter along with the changes to all residents with the October 2009 utility bill. Second by Hansen. All "AYES", motion passed.

Review Fee Schedule for 2010 Budget: The Board reviewed the suggested changes to the Fee Schedule. This was only a review. Final changes will be made at the budget workshop.

Staff Reports:

Mayor: Mayor Cleveland will be contacting the State of Colorado regarding the delay in reviewing of the Wastewater Treatment Plant plans.

Public Works: A written report was provided by Jake Bohl. The Board thanked Trustee Guzman for his help with the street patches.

Trustee Guzman informed the Board that the non-potable system has been shut off for the winter. Letters were sent to the residents informing them of the shut off and requesting them to bring the account current. He also suggested they install meter pits and a meter for the non-potable system. Mayor Cleveland requested individuals do not pay the Town directly. One bill is sent out to the homeowners and one payment should be sent to the Town. The Town Hall will no longer accept individual payments for the homeowners.

Planning Commission: Rick Crom reported he worked with the Clerk in assigning an address to the skate park.

Town Attorney: Don Hoff reported on the special animal permit at 701 Main Street. The permit was intended to be transferred to the lease option tenant but it was not transferred. The special permit is in effect and is scheduled for review in 2011. If the animals requested in the permit are not on the property within a one year period, the permit becomes void. The animals left the property mid July 2009.

The attorney for Double J Meat Processing responded to the request for more raw water. They are aware of the requirement but are unable to complete the transfer at this time. They will continue to pay the water surcharge.

Town Engineer: Mike Ketterling reported the State has responded to the wastewater treatment plant plans and he is exploring options for funding.

Double J Meat Processing has requested the Boards' interest in allowing them to reconnect to the sewer system and only dump clean water. They estimate approximately 10,000 to 12,000 gallons of clean water to be dumped five days a week. This would result in a monthly sewer charge of $811.00. Board discussion determined a flow meter and sampler must be installed at the expense of Double J Meat Processing but they will be owned by the Town. They will also be required to pay for all expenses associated with testing. Mike Ketterling will inform Double J Meat Processing of these requirements and if they are still interested Don Hoff will prepare an agreement.

Town Clerk: Request to pay outstanding bills. Motion made by Trustee O'Connor to pay the outstanding bills. Second by Hansen. All "AYES", motion passed.

Financial reports were provided to the Board. The Clerk updated the Board on the collection of sales tax at the Flea Market. They are included in the sale price.

A budget workshop has been scheduled for October 26, 2009 at 6:30.

Proposals for audit service have been sent out and the deadline is October 30, 2009.

Old Business: None.

Committee Reports:

Police-Trustee Heberlee: A written report regarding Code Enforcement was provided by Larry Jones.

A report was provided by the Ault Police Department. Chief Strang reported an arrest was made in the theft at Schroeder Tire. Mayor Cleveland complimented the Ault Police Department in a job well done.

Water/Sewer-Trustee Spurgeon-Paris, Guzman: Several Board members toured Soldier Canyon Filter plant.

Streets-Trustee Hoover: The streets and patches are looking good.

Drainage-Trustee Hansen: None.

Buildings-Trustee Hansen: None.

Parks:-Trustee O'Connor: None.

Board Communications: None.


Submitted by: Pat Larson, Town Clerk

Copyright 2009 The North Weld Herald, Eaton, Colorado. All Rights Reserved. This content, including derivations, may not be stored or distributed in any manner, disseminated, published, broadcast, rewritten or reproduced without express, written consent from SmallTownPapers, Inc.

© 2010 The North Weld Herald Eaton, Colorado. All Rights Reserved. This content, including derivations, may not be stored or distributed in any manner, disseminated, published, broadcast, rewritten or reproduced without express, written consent from DAS.

Original Publication Date: November 26, 2009

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