Small Town News

Guest Opinion

Reforms put Oklahoma in race to the top

The Perkins Journal of Perkins, Oklahoma

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'our oklahoma'

Providing Oklahoma's students with the best education possible has always been a top priority of my administration. We've made great strides in recent years--increasing standards and accountability along with teacher pay--but now Oklahoma has a great opportunity to take on even greater reforms.

Race to the Top is a federal grant program which allows states to compete for funds to invest in remaking their educational systems. Unfortunately, Oklahoma lost out in the first round of grants, but our state's application for the second round, submitted earlier this month, shows great promise.

During the legislative session, I worked with state leaders and other stakeholders to pass a measure that increases accountability in our classrooms and creates new evaluation systems for determining how well our schools are performing.

Former Tulsa Mayor Kathy Taylor and State Superintendent Sandy Garrett have worked hard to put together Oklahoma's application for $175 million dollars of the $3.4 billion in federal funds available through the Race to the Top competition.

A panel of experts will review the applications arid award the grants to the boldest plans for educational reform. With the groundwork laid this legislative session, Oklahoma will be competitive in the second round of funding.

The Race to the Top grants offer states like a Oklahoma to think critically about how educational systems can be improved, and then it provides the resources to turn those ideas into real reforms.

That education reform is vital for the future of our state. Our ability to be prosperous in the years to come depends on our state's ability to grow and attract high-paying jobs. A highly educated work force is a must.

Furthermore, I believe we have a moral obligation to offer Oklahoma children the best education possible. Great jobs increasingly demand a great education and I, like so many other Oklahoma parents, want our students to have the opportunity to pursue their dreams.

If you have questions or comments, please write me at the Office of the Governor, Room 212, Oklahoma City OK 73105 or visit the "Contact the Governor" section of my website,

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© 2011 The Perkins Journal Perkins, Oklahoma. All Rights Reserved. This content, including derivations, may not be stored or distributed in any manner, disseminated, published, broadcast, rewritten or reproduced without express, written consent from DAS.

Original Publication Date: June 10, 2010

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