Small Town News



Spring Hope Enterprise of Spring Hope, North Carolina

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Peachtree folks attended the "Community Sing" at First Baptist Church in Spring Hope on Sunday night. Several area churches were involved. The Peachtree choir accompanied, by Jane May, sang two songs, with David Griffin whistling a solo part. The First Baptist choir, led by Linda Johnson, and accompanied by Craig Johnson, rendered two beautiful selections. Linda and Craig then sang

a duet followed by Cindy Wilson of Nobles Chapel, who sang two solos, with a piano accompanist. Vickie Ripley and Elizabeth Polk performed with the flutes and a guitar. The closing hymn, "Because He lives" was sung by the entire congregation and as it resounded through the sanctuary it was a soul-stirring worship experience.

Pastor Whitehouse's sermon on Sunday morning was titled' "Trust in the Lord-Part II." It was based on Judges 6. The main idea was that mature faith relies less on spectacular signs and more on wisdom from God. God wants from us, just simple faith. The sanctuary flowers were given by Ricky and Diane Tucker in memory of their mothers, Jensy Tucker and Jean Williams.

Beverly Wilson's children's

sermon was about playing "hide and seek." She mentioned several Biblical characters who tried to play that with God -- Adam and Eve, David, and Jonah. But we can't hide from God because he knows all about us. We need to pray to Him for guidance.

September is the month for NC missions offering. Beth Baines, WMU Director, spoke briefly about this. She said the theme for this is "Every nation -- our generation!" The Baptist Men, who are involved in Disaster Relief projects around the world, are just one of the things supported by this offering.

On Saturday at noon, Delia and Linwood May served lunch at their home to their Senior Adult SS Class. The theme was "Christmas in August." The meal was delicious and the fellowship was enjoyed by the

large group that attended.

JoAnn Blankenship served lunch at her home Sunday honoring Derrick and Jennifer Pitt-man who are home, as Derrick is waiting to go to his new overseas assignment with the US Air Force. Also attending were Carolyn Pittman, Kathy and Aubrey Farmer, Amanda and Scott Farmer, Penn Pace, Joey, Deb-by and Destiny and Aunt Sally Knight.

The "Flowers Family Reunion" met at Peachtree on Saturday. This is Jerry Hobgood's mothers side of the family. The highlight of the day was when Jerry revealed to his family, his musical talent by singing a solo "He Touched Me, " his favorite hymn.

Approximately 40 attended.

Ann Browder went to Florence, S.C., last week to visit her

brother-in-law, Jack, who was undergoing heart tests.

Our prayer concerns are all of the sad, lonely and sick. The known sick are as follows:

Tyler Wester, still at Wake Med.

Clyde Best, back home.

Don Dollar, at the VA Hospital following surgery.

Maxine Whitley, to have cataract surgery on Thursday.

Jack Browder.

Pray for our men and women serving in harm's way with the military.

Share some of your time with our shut-ins.

Happy birthday to Travis Griffin, Sept 1, Kay Yanez and Linnea Mink, Sept 4, Andrew Wilson, Sept 8.

Homecoming at Peachtree is coming up on Sept 26! Mark your calendar.

Copyright 2010 Spring Hope Enterprise, Spring Hope, North Carolina. All Rights Reserved. This content, including derivations, may not be stored or distributed in any manner, disseminated, published, broadcast, rewritten or reproduced without express, written consent from SmallTownPapers, Inc.

© 2011 Spring Hope Enterprise Spring Hope, North Carolina. All Rights Reserved. This content, including derivations, may not be stored or distributed in any manner, disseminated, published, broadcast, rewritten or reproduced without express, written consent from DAS.

Original Publication Date: September 2, 2010

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