Small Town News

Local Government

Lights out

Shelton-Mason County Journal of Shelton, Washington

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City moves to second phase of streetlight project

After the success of the first phase of the program, the city of Shelton plans to embark on the second phase of its project to save money by eliminating some streetlights within the city.

This phase will cut power to 36 streetlights south of Cota Street to the city limits.

The last phase of the project shut off 47 streetlights and will save the city an estimated $7,522.46 a year.

The savings for January through March 2011 have been $2,560.20.

While Mayor John Tarrant has voiced opposition to the program, Police Chief Dave Eklund assured him that there have been no noticeable increases in crime associated with disconnected lights and received only two citizen complaints.

"When we started this we had visions of grandeur thinking we would save $40,000, it turns out we'll save $2,000... I think it was worth it," commissioner Mike Byrne said.

The city placed the proposal to continue the program on its consent agenda for next Monday's meeting.

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© 2011 Shelton-Mason County Journal Shelton, Washington. All Rights Reserved. This content, including derivations, may not be stored or distributed in any manner, disseminated, published, broadcast, rewritten or reproduced without express, written consent from DAS.

Original Publication Date: May 19, 2011

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