Small Town News


Business license meetings a bust

Sedona Red Rock News of Sedona, Arizona

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Businesses in the city limits of Sedona will soon be required to have a license to operate.

City of Sedona Revenue Manager Jodie Filardo held two meetings last week to try to give insight on the idea and answer questions from residents. However, fewer than a combined 10 people showed up to the meetings.

The business licenses will cost $25 a year, and $5 for businesses operating on sites where a current entity is operating. If a person or group owns additional businesses at two or more locations, a $25 business license would have to be obtained for each one.

City Manager Tim Ernster told the Sedona City Council about a month ago the business licensing would not be a big cash generator, but would allow the city to know who was operating in Sedona.

There are about 3, 300 businesses in Sedona paying sales tax, but only about 50 percent of them are in the city's system.

Filardo said the city wants to educate the businesses about the future licensing to prevent any surprises.

"This is not about making a public spectacle of people, " Filardo said. "This is about education." The business license requirement will go into effect in September if council approves it, but would not be enforced until January 2011.

Business owners not obtaining a license would be guilty of a Class I misdemeanor and could be subject to fines up to $2, 500, six months in jail or both.

Filardo said she and other city representatives will visit businesses during the grace period to inform them about the need to get a business license.

She said if a person or group is trying to sell anything for monetary gain, a business license would need to be obtained, regardless of whether anything was sold.

However, there are provisions because people or groups can hold up to two garage, moving or estate sales a year without needing a business license, and licenses are not required for those holding a single swap meet or flea market in a year.

"We want to make sure we know who is doing business [in Sedona], " she said.

The city plans to put the business draft plan on its website, and it will issue press releases to ensure everyone is informed.

Filardo plans to hold at least two more meetings at different locations to provide information and get more feedback from members of the business community.

Every fixed business location will have to display a license in a visible location for the public to see. Those not operating out of a fixed structure will be required to carry the license with them while conducting business.

Whenever a city official or a designee asks a business for its license, one must be provided.

Business licenses will be valid for one year unless suspended or revoked, and the person owning the business will be required to renew the license within 30 days of expiration. Failure to do so will result in the suspension of the license.

Business licenses could be suspended or revoked for failure to provide accurate information on the application, failure to pay the fee, providing false information on the application, not being in compliance with either city or state statutes, refusal to allow inspections of their businesses and being delinquent on fees owed to the city.

Filardo said the key right now is education.

"We are out there doing a lot of talking, " she said.

Copyright 2010 Sedona Red Rock News, Sedona, Arizona. All Rights Reserved. This content, including derivations, may not be stored or distributed in any manner, disseminated, published, broadcast, rewritten or reproduced without express, written consent from SmallTownPapers, Inc.

© 2011 Sedona Red Rock News Sedona, Arizona. All Rights Reserved. This content, including derivations, may not be stored or distributed in any manner, disseminated, published, broadcast, rewritten or reproduced without express, written consent from DAS.

Original Publication Date: June 25, 2010

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