Small Town News


Randall: Pets give us what we need

Sedona Red Rock News of Sedona, Arizona

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Many elderly and lonely individuals have discovered that pets satisfy their needs and enable them to hold on to the world of reality, of caring, of human effort and sacrifice and of emotional relationships. Their self-concept as worthwhile individuals is restored and even enhanced when they find that the pet they have been caring for loves them in return.

For many people who are alone during this time of the year, the holiday season can be a sad time. Perhaps man's best medicine is sometimes man's best friend.

Several studies indicate that owning or having access to a pet is beneficial for emotional and mental health. New studies confirm that spending just a few minutes petting an animal triggers hormones that produce happiness and reduce stress.

Pets, in general, provide companionship, love, affection and a sense of being needed and respected. Pets are an integral part of the American culture. They are a vital part of the early stages of the socialization process.

Regardless of the type of environment, urban or rural, the experience of pets is shared by the majority of the population. Fond memories of sharing our lives are always present.

Most pet guardians would concur that on days when they are feeling depressed, down, lonely, discouraged or just have the "blahs," spending time with a friendly cat or dog can be a real pick-me-up. Sometimes, the only thing that puts a smile on your face is your dog licking your hand and wagging its tail. Watching the silly antics of playful kittens can be entertaining and make you laugh. Even watching your fish swim serenely around a scenic aquarium can have a calming effect.

Pets can help restore order to life and prove a sense of well-being and a firm grasp on reality. The love and affection a dog gives so willingly is unqualified and does not change day to day. Don't be disappointed if your dog doesn't enjoy hiking or long walks; that's OK. Some dogs are put on this earth just to love you.

A pet's guardian need not be young and healthy to elicit an enthusiastic showing of affection. A pet communicates in many ways that are comforting and provide stimulation to the lonely and withdrawn.

A pet is someone to share your life with, particularly for those people who live alone. Many are separated geographically from their extended families, and pets can help fill the "people void" in their lives.

Among the overabundance of enrichments a pet can provide is warm touch. This has a deep effect on mental and physical support. There is a speechless kind of companionship guardians share with their pets that provides a source of relaxation.

My two German shepherds, Koby and K.C., do not judge; they only accept. I praise these furry friends for their constant love; their fresh delight in simple pleasures, such as chasing a tennis ball; and their unconditional humor. They will listen to me politely without interrupting. How many human friends will do that?

Everyone at the Humane Society of Sedona wants to thank the community for being so generous during Christmas for Critters. Our storage area is overflowing with dog and cat food, treats, toys, blankets and towels. This would be a great time to visit our Animal Care Center and check out the wonderful selection of animals ready for adoption who will give copious amounts of love and affection.

On behalf of the staff, volunteers and board of trustees we wish everyone warm wishes for the season's best and for happiness all year.

Paw Prints, written this week by Jacquie Randall, volunteer coordinator for the Humane Society of Sedona, appears every Friday in the Sedona Red Rock News.

Copyright 2009 Sedona Red Rock News, Sedona, Arizona. All Rights Reserved. This content, including derivations, may not be stored or distributed in any manner, disseminated, published, broadcast, rewritten or reproduced without express, written consent from SmallTownPapers, Inc.

© 2010 Sedona Red Rock News Sedona, Arizona. All Rights Reserved. This content, including derivations, may not be stored or distributed in any manner, disseminated, published, broadcast, rewritten or reproduced without express, written consent from DAS.

Original Publication Date: December 25, 2009

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