Small Town News


Walnut Grove Girl Scout

Sentinel Tribune of Westbrook, Minnesota

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On Sunday, August 30, a celebration was held at the W.G. Community Center to say Thank You' to all the Girl Scout leaders of Walnut Grove.

Brenda Skrove the Walnut Grove Girl Scout field director was present to open the celebration. Our honorary guest was Marjorie Ferguson, a Girl Scout leader from the PAST.

Another honoree guest Ruth Johnson, was unable to attend but sent a most interesting letter with memories of her days as a Girl Scout and a leader.

Memories from Ruth: A few of the earliest Girl Scout leaders she recalls were Gretchen Swoffer Guelzone and Carrie Kaas DeBates, and that several teachers also served that purpose. Many meetings were held in the library and home ec rooms. She tells the big event of the year was camping often done by renting a cabin at Lake Shetek. For a week of camping at a more distant lake they would ride in the back of someone's truck. Imagine! One of the ways they raised money was by using the ice skating shack to bail newspapers for recycling. At that time they didn't sell cookies. As a child we made memories and WE HAD FUN! As an adult Ruth said she was a leader and other leaders were Delores Wiggins Peterson and Mrs. Marj Ferguson. Some of the girls in the troops were the Ferguson daughters, Joan Grams Grefe, Nancy Grams, Roanne Hoyt, Anne Heggerston, Barb Nicholson Schaar and Wilma Nelson Herder.

A few years back Ruth gave Ann Pfarr a couple of the hand books that they used. They should be at the Laura Ingalls archives in Walnut Grove.

Wilma Herder, a Girl Scout from the PAST, was present and recalls Ruth's words about riding in the back of someone's truck going camping at Green Lake, by Spicer, (our present Girl Scout Camp Sanderson). Wilma tells they wore uniforms and she still has her sash which she brought to show. She had sewn her Girl Scout uniform buttons on her sash.

Memories of Ann Pfarr: I recall being a Girl Scout and having Marjorie Ferguson as one of my leaders. We met in the basement of her present home but at that time it was just a basement home. Another leader was Dorothy De Smith. We had our meetings at her mothers, Mrs. Augie Matters. Dorothy was my leader a couple years or more.

In the fall of 1989 Tammy Hoiser and Terry Hartung were leaders of the Daisy troop. After a few meetings they called and asked if I'd take over as leader. My granddaughter, Jessica Smith was part of that Daisy troop so I said I would. I stayed with the girls of that troop through their senior year and they earned the Gold Award. I continued being a leader and now have my great granddaughter, Kierra Smith as a Brownie Girl Scout.

Our troop went with Sue Farber's troop on different Girl Scout events and her troop was great at teaching my girls new songs. One of them I/we loved was Kukabera Sits in the Old gum tree. Rennae Krentz's troop was always there to lead action songs at group events and Day Camp.

Annie Syverson, also a leader, was always there through the years with an encouraging word to hang in there. Today she was present to say 'Thank You' for sticking it out.

Attending were: Marj Ferguson, Annie Syverson, Marlys Pemble, and Cathy Kassel all being leaders a few years back, Ann Pfarr a present leader and.Wilma Herder a Girl Scout of the past. Others attending were Carmelita Pfarr, Jessica, Kierra, Callie and Eva Smith, Lisa, Rylee and Eon Zimmerman. Carmelita, Jessica and Lisa have helped me with events the last couple years. Kierra and Rylee are present Brownie Girl Scouts.

We had many great leaders over the years so again this celebration was to say THANK YOU to ALL of you who served as leaders and made Girl Scouts a special time to remember.

As Ruth said WE HAD FUN!

Service Unit managers: Marlys Pemble, Sharon Bakken, Sue Farber, Wendy and Marje Peterson, Cathy Kassel, Gayle Bitker, Daria Block and Ann Pfarr.

PRESENT LEADERS: Merna Malmberg, Sharon Baker and Ann Pfarr

Copyright 2009 Sentinel Tribune, Westbrook, Minnesota. All Rights Reserved. This content, including derivations, may not be stored or distributed in any manner, disseminated, published, broadcast, rewritten or reproduced without express, written consent from SmallTownPapers, Inc.

© 2009 Sentinel Tribune Westbrook, Minnesota. All Rights Reserved. This content, including derivations, may not be stored or distributed in any manner, disseminated, published, broadcast, rewritten or reproduced without express, written consent from DAS.

Original Publication Date: September 16, 2009

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