Small Town News


Area hunting outlook good

The Sundance Times of Sundance, Wyoming

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With the early onset of snow and the start of hunting seasons in the area, many folks wonder about the hunting outlook in Crook County.

"Overall, hunting should be good to excellent in most of Crook County," says Joe Sandrini, Wyoming Wildlife Biologist. "Good reproduction three, four, and five years ago make for good availability in those age classes."

ANTELOPE season is well under way after the October 1 opening. Sandrini says the antelope population is down slightiy but that it should be a good year to hunt antelope. The early spring storms dropped the antelope numbers but what we're finding is good horn quality and good forage conditions. Antelope hunting in Crook County probably wont be stupendous but it should be good." Antelope season ends November 20 in most of the county.

ELK season opens October 15 (Sept. 1 for area 128) and will run dhrough November 30 or December 15, depending on the hunt area. Hunters should refer to the hunting regulations to determine the closing date for the area to be hunted.

"Hunting should be good this year," Sandrini says. "There is a good distribution of older aged bulls and plenty of cow elk."

Data based on tootii age analysis indicates tiiat, on average, 35 to 40 yearling elk are being added each year to every 100 cow elk. "We need to see more harvest on cows," Sandrini said, adding tiiat the elk population is higher tiian usual.

The Wyoming Game and Fish encourages landowners concerned about elk numbers to allow hunters to come in and harvest cow elk.

TURKEY season opens November 1 and will close November 30. Poult surveys indicate tiiat productivity is average-to-good. Sandrini says turkey numbers peaked a couple years ago and was at the highest ever since turkey was introduced to tiiis area in die 1950s. The numbers are "down a littie bit. But die hunting should still be good," he said.

MOUNTAIN LION season opened September 1 and officially closed tiiis week. The season legally runs until March 1 each year or until the mortality quota is reached. The quota in Area 30 (8 mountain lions) was reached last week while die quota in Area 1(16 mountain lions) was filled October 12. Sandrini said tiiat Areas 1 and 30 are typically the first to close in the state each year; but this is the earliest either area has closed. The early closure is attributed to the early snowfall and easier tracking. The quota for botii areas is expected to be adjusted next year. Sandrini said officials will have to look at the data to determine die new quotas.

DEER season opens November 1 and will close November 20, south of Interstate 90, and November 30, north of 1-90.

Sandrini and game warden Chris Teter started a deer count October 12 for both mule deer and whitetail. Numbers appear to have dropped tiiis year -- more so for mule deer tiian whitetail -- and is likely due to die spring storms earlier tiiis year.

"Even though the total number of deer is down," Sandrini says, "we have more deer tiian is suitable for tiie habitat. Buck hunting is good, and there are a large number of doe/fawn tags available." Sandrini adds that whitetail productivity is below average because of die habitat quality and food quantity.

Landowners are encouraged to participate in the Hunter Assistance Program by calling the Casper office at 307-473-3400. This program is a means to get doe hunters in touch with landowners and for landowners to quickly get the word out about hunting opportunities on private lands.

Copyright 2009 The Sundance Times, Sundance, Wyoming. All Rights Reserved. This content, including derivations, may not be stored or distributed in any manner, disseminated, published, broadcast, rewritten or reproduced without express, written consent from SmallTownPapers, Inc.

© 2010 The Sundance Times Sundance, Wyoming. All Rights Reserved. This content, including derivations, may not be stored or distributed in any manner, disseminated, published, broadcast, rewritten or reproduced without express, written consent from DAS.

Original Publication Date: October 15, 2009

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