Small Town News


Sappers Superior achievement

The Superior Sun of Superior, Arizona

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The scene is an early morning in southern Afghanistan, the sun rising, warming the routes which the Sappers of the 562nd Engineer Company are tasked to clear on a daily basis. The focus is freedom of movement for the local nationals in southern Afghanistan; the only way to ensure government is working and security is in place, building confidence among the indigenous people. Eleven months ago, when we arrived only uncertainty existed, from the local nationals and among the ranks. Each soldier, with his own individual tasks, has taken part of the strategic victory we intend to achieve.

The men of the 562nd Engineer Company have certainly contributed in establishing security and separating the enemy from the local populace, a superior achievement by the 5/2 Infantry Division, Stryker Brigade Combat Team. As the first Stryker Brigade in southern Afghanistan there were many questions, but through leadership and key leader engagements, conditions were set to achieve support, trust, and admiration from the locals.

Let us not forget, this is a combat environment. The American public hears and sees the news, leading to both positive and negative feelings and views; but, from the ground, from the view of the combat engineer, the environment we prepare to depart has improved beyond any of our expectations. Like in all things, progression requires hard work, communication, and of course sacrifices. Like in any relationship one must give just as much as one intends to receive.

Through our training, preparation, and execution, we have contributed to a better Afghanistan. We have progressed enough to allow breathing room for the next wave of selfless

American soldiers, who will sacrifice, as we have, and will move relationships closer to the 50 yard line, with hopes for improved security and commerce. In this counterinsurgency oriented fight, the Sappers have shown maturity beyond what was expected and continue to approach mission accomplishment with the invigorating spirit of the American warrior, simultaneously executing a multitude of offensive operations against a cowardly enemy.

From the mountains of Sha Wali Kowt and Tarin Kowt, open deserts of Maiwand, borders of Spin Bol-dak and Zabul, and orchards of the Arghandab River Valley, the 562nd Engineer Company has impacted freedom of movement, ensuring mobility along the routes, ridding them oflEDs and enemy combatants who have had the courage to fight.

In this fight the enemy has shown their cowardice by their tactics, hiding among innocent people hoping to cause civilian casualties, then to exploit these tragedies with propaganda spread both among their own group and the American public.

The enemy have dressed as women, used children to emplace or prepare their explosives, murdered and intimidated local leaders who are looking to better the way of life for the Afghan people.

The Afghan people have also showed perseverance and will, despite the conditions they face on the periphery. The enemy, knowing they would be annihilated within days, chose to select and establish their operating areas in densely populated areas to achieve negative Information Operations from the day to day operations we have conducted, and to this point we remain diligent in our efforts and our mission, and have the support of the majority of Afghan nationals, who once thought we did not exist.

Through a year of operations, there have been setbacks, in the media, on the ground, both collective and individual. However, one thing remains unchanged, and that is the spirit of the American soldier.

The quality of life that is gained is well worth the sacrifices to better a country. What other person can say that they contributed to rebuilding a country? This is an enormous feat for a 19 year old combat engineer straight out of high school, and young le'aders who will for years contribute to the success of our security.

The men of the 562nd Engineer Company through strict adherence to discipline, observations of higher directives, and compassion for human life, have made significant contributions to the stability of a once unstable region of Afghanistan, and for that I ask that you be proud of them and all other American soldiers who have proven themselves both willing and able to display selflessservice for a cause bigger than us all. For the discipline required to succeed is far less than the sacrifices that have already been made.

We thank you for your continued support and ask that you continue to pray for all the mervand women who so selflessly give on a daily basis in the efforts to make our world and country a much safer place for all

Copyright 2010 The Superior Sun, Superior, Arizona. All Rights Reserved. This content, including derivations, may not be stored or distributed in any manner, disseminated, published, broadcast, rewritten or reproduced without express, written consent from SmallTownPapers, Inc.

© 2011 The Superior Sun Superior, Nebraska. All Rights Reserved. This content, including derivations, may not be stored or distributed in any manner, disseminated, published, broadcast, rewritten or reproduced without express, written consent from DAS.

Original Publication Date: June 23, 2010

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