Small Town News

Guest Opinion

Superior Junior-Senior High School IS SUPERIOR!

The Superior Sun of Superior, Arizona

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Superior Junior-Senior High School has many opportunities available to students. The Superior Junior-Senior High School is accredited by having met the requirements established by the Advanced Accreditation Commission and Board of Trustees by the North Central Association Commission on Accreditation.

During the past three years, Superior Junior-Senior High School has had 22 students accepted at the three major universities, with 10 students being accepted into one of the major universities in the Class of 2010. A vast majority of the students are taking advantage of the Promise for the Future Scholarship and are enrolled at various community colleges. One student graduated early and is now enrolled at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University. All Superior Junior-Senior High School rigorous coursework is accredited by the North Central Association and students utilize the opportunity to take the higher math and science courses offered at Superior High School to include Pre-Calculus, AP Calculus, Advanced Biology, Chemistry and Physics.

Students are given the opportunity to be enrolled in the Certified Nursing Assistant and Fire Science programs, where they will earn their certification from the Cobre Valley Institute of Technology. Transportation is provided by CVIT for the students. Currently, two students are enrolled in the program.

Superior Junior-Senior High School students have the opportunity to take exciting courses, in the Career and Technical Programs that are currently offered at the high school such as Culinary Arts, Child Development, Childcare Occupations, Education Professions, Marketing and Journalism. Students realize many benefits from taking CTE courses. Some of the benefits include exploration into career interests, enhancement of "soft skills" such as communication, leadership and professionalism, and college credit, through articulation with local community colleges and scholarships. Most CTE courses are associated with a CTESO (Career and Technical Education Student Organization). CTESOs include DECA, FCCLAandFEA.

Superior Junior-Senior High School students worked very hard and earned over $100.000 in scholarship monies. There are many exciting things happening at Superior Junior-Senior High School, where the students are receiving a "SUPERIOR" education!!!

Copyright 2010 The Superior Sun, Superior, Arizona. All Rights Reserved. This content, including derivations, may not be stored or distributed in any manner, disseminated, published, broadcast, rewritten or reproduced without express, written consent from SmallTownPapers, Inc.

© 2011 The Superior Sun Superior, Nebraska. All Rights Reserved. This content, including derivations, may not be stored or distributed in any manner, disseminated, published, broadcast, rewritten or reproduced without express, written consent from DAS.

Original Publication Date: September 1, 2010

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