Small Town News

Local Government

Council approves loan application process, rejects putting Magma Club on market

The Superior Sun of Superior, Arizona

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At a special Superior Town Council meeting on October 21, the go-ahead was given for Town Manager Melanie Oliver to begin the process of applying for a loan for the town.

The meeting had been scheduled for 5:30 p.m. but began somewhat later as a quorum was not present at 5:30. Present were Mayor Michael Hing, Vice Mayor Olga Lopez and Council Member David Pfohl. The arrival of Council Member Hank Gutierrez made up the quorum and the meeting could take place.

Also on the agenda was the placing for sale and advertising of "town property." It was clarified during the later discussion that the specific town property referred to in this instance was the Magma Club. The council voted to reject placing the Magma Club up for sale.

The meeting was characterized to some extent by angry comments from audience members on various aspects of the evening's proceeding, including the lack of a public comment item on the agenda and who was being allowed to speak and who was not.

Although it was not stated in the meeting, it is usual that there is no public comment time period itemized on the agenda of special meetings. Often audience members are allowed to speak anyway, which is the council's call.

Audience members were recognized and permitted to speak at this meeting as well. It was stated by one audience member that the council only allowed people to speak that it liked.

Council members present also made comments and asked questions as is their role as elected officials creating policy for the town.

During the discussion on applying for a loan, clarification was requested of the town manager as to why a loan was necessary. Her verbal response alluded to cash flow problems and tax funding not coming in as expected.

She said also that there had been a financial crisis "that is under investigation."

In response to questioning, she explained that she could not state at that time which lender would be applied to and that she needed the approval to apply before she could seek out the best interest rate.

The vote to begin the loan application process was unanimous of those members present.

Gutierrez made it clear that applying for a loan is one thing but securing one is another thing. He said the town staff would have to bring a specific loan proposal back to council for approval. "We are not authorizing to secure a loan," he said.

"Applying is one thing," he said. "Signing on the dotted line is another thing."

Gutierrez also commented regarding the possible sale of the Magma Club, which he called an "icon" of the community. "I don't even known why we are discussing it."

A general discussion that included audience members took place regarding the Magma Club. It was stated that the facility had been given to the town in the 1950s for recreation.

The mayor noted that he had wanted the item on the agenda as there had been some interest shown in the property.

Resident Mila Lira said that just because the town was in a place where it needed to sell something, the Magma Club "would be a poor choice."

Resident Manuel Ortega suggested that the council look at other ways to save money.

He also took issue with "these kind of meetings that you guys have." He suggested more effort be made to alert the public to special meetings.

He requested council to "let the people speak." He said they were not there to criticize. "We do not want to be rude."

The vote to reject putting the Magma Club up for sale was unanimous.

Copyright 2009 The Superior Sun, Superior, Arizona. All Rights Reserved. This content, including derivations, may not be stored or distributed in any manner, disseminated, published, broadcast, rewritten or reproduced without express, written consent from SmallTownPapers, Inc.

© 2010 The Superior Sun Superior, Nebraska. All Rights Reserved. This content, including derivations, may not be stored or distributed in any manner, disseminated, published, broadcast, rewritten or reproduced without express, written consent from DAS.

Original Publication Date: October 28, 2009

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