Small Town News

Guest Opinion

A Cowboys Faith

The Prairie Post of White City, Kansas

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Time To End Life Is Not Man's Decision

Death will come at its own instant.

Begrudgingly, we have put down livestock that has become seriously ailing, in extreme pain and with no apparent chance of survival. It always bothered our conscience and does to this day. Many contend that's the only humane thing to do when a horse breaks its leg. There have been similar situations with all animals.

Of course, the present horse surplus and seemingly commonplace reports of horse starvation have brought the topic of what's termed as painless death into public light. Groups who fought to stop horse slaughter, claiming it to be inhumane, are the same ones who recommend that severely undernourished horses should be put out of their misery.

Every imaginable situation and comparison can be aired with legitimate opinions both pro and con relating to destroying a sickly animal. One of the first is that livestock are not human. They were meant to be food for man and beasts of burden, but instantly new arguments come into the already temper-raising conversation.

Horses are different, llamas are different, some goats are different, dogs are different, cats are different, rats are different, snakes are different and on and on. Yes, each is a unique species. Most of these named are not considered part of this country's food chain."However, each is consumed as nourishment, even as delicacy, inpther places.

Livestock are mammals, just as humans are, but livestock are not human. Therefore, it is all right to destroy livestock when it gets sick or malnourished. However, one must never control surplus population, or slaughter any animal for human consumption, unless it fits a specific dietary criteria. Vegetarians contend one should not eat meat of any kind.

Hunting was a great thrill for us in our youth, and there is still a vague fascination for the sport, but we have no desire to kill anything. That might seem hypocritical, especially since we produce cattle for beef consumption, and have promoted the importance of horse slaughter as a means for helping solve inventory dilemma.

However, we have become personally opposed to destroying old and crippled livestock, whether horse, cow, dog, cat, etc. While it is arguably a far different situation, we have now put that into a realm similar to humans.

When people get old, can not do anything on their own and have no sense of surroundings, there are opinions that they are worthless and would be better off dead. Daily one hears reports of relatives "pulling the plug," "court cases evaluating legality of such and even federal legislation being considered to make human euthanization lawful.

God has an exact plan for every human soul. Consequently, we're going to leave it up to Him when death comes for our ailing animals as well. God takes care of His own.

It is ordered in First Corinthians 1:25: "This foolish plan of God is wiser than the wisest of human plans." Orders come in Ecclesiastes 3:2: "A right time for birth and another for death." Essential though that one remembers Hebrews 9:27; "And just as each person is destined to die once and after that comes judgment."

Copyright 2010 The Prairie Post, White City, Kansas. All Rights Reserved. This content, including derivations, may not be stored or distributed in any manner, disseminated, published, broadcast, rewritten or reproduced without express, written consent from SmallTownPapers, Inc.

© 2011 The Prairie Post White City, Kansas. All Rights Reserved. This content, including derivations, may not be stored or distributed in any manner, disseminated, published, broadcast, rewritten or reproduced without express, written consent from DAS.

Original Publication Date: August 19, 2010

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