Small Town News

Local Government

Error leads to rebate for Towner County taxpayers

Turtle Mountain Star of Rolla, North Dakota

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A budgeting error by the Towner County Commision in regards to the 2010 county road budget has been creating quite stir among Towner County residents.

The error, which saw the county commission approve a 2010 road budget of $597,834.75 or 38.25 mills, is in violation of the state-mandated 23 mills per line item.

The road department increased from $506,495 or approximately 22 mills in 2009. according to Towner County Auditor Kent Haugen. Hau-gen said one mill is equivalent to $12,600.

"The commissioners approved the road department budget, and then the amount needed to satisfy that budget was approved in October," Haugen said. "The mill arrived at 15.35 over the allowed levy limit and that's where the problem started."

The mistake was not caught in time to correct it within the original budget and must be corrected by offering an abatement to county residents, according to Towner County State's Attorney George Ackre.

"Through our research we have determined that the only way for the county to fix the error is to offer a tax abatement for those who request it." Ackre said.

"We just want the people to know that the commission is acknowledging the error so it doesn't happen again and encourages people to follow the abatement/rebate procedures."

The mistake means that county residents have been assessed $6.90 for every $10,000 of true and market value.

For example, the average parcel of land in Towner County valued at $50,000 meant an increase of $34.54 in the recent tax bills received by county residents.

Towner County Commission Chairman Kenny Teubner said the board approved the higher road department budget request without realizing the mistake and is looking for a way to fix it.

"We're not trying to hide anything." Teubner said. "It's a bad situation and people are going to have to realize that the roads won't be able to be maintained at a high level because the road department will have to find a way to cut about $200,00 from its budget."

Haugen said possible solutions on the road department shortfall may be able to come from another item in the county budget or a countywide vote could be initated to give the road department additional mills.

Robbie Peterson of Rock Lake said the abatement solution is satisfactory to most residents, but he is concerned that out-of state residents who own land within the county may be confused and unclear of the situation.

"1 have served on enough boards and know a little bit how taxes work," Peterson said. "When I saw my tax statement, it seemed like it was too high and knew something wasn't right. I worry about the people who are out of state, because it's hard to do paperwork here if they're not here and they have to find someone to do it."

Copyright 2010 Turtle Mountain Star, Rolla, North Dakota. All Rights Reserved. This content, including derivations, may not be stored or distributed in any manner, disseminated, published, broadcast, rewritten or reproduced without express, written consent from SmallTownPapers, Inc.

© 2010 Turtle Mountain Star Rolla, North Dakota. All Rights Reserved. This content, including derivations, may not be stored or distributed in any manner, disseminated, published, broadcast, rewritten or reproduced without express, written consent from DAS.

Original Publication Date: February 15, 2010

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