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Belcourt youngster gets invite to White House for Easter Egg Roll

Turtle Mountain Star of Rolla, North Dakota

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The next time you see Tucker Bercier, ask him to name the presidents -- all 44 of them, in order from Washington to Obama. Stand back and prepare to be amazed.

He will do so, with a pause in between for clarity's sake.

He'll tell you that William Henry Harrison, the ninth president, was "only in for a month" until he caught his death of cold after a long speech given outdoors.

He'll also tell you that Abraham Lincoln, our 16th president, was shot at Ford's Theatre in April 1865.

And did you know that William Howard Taft, the 27th president, once got stuck in the White House bathtub? Bercier knows, and will tell you why: Taft weighed 320 pounds.

Who shot John F. Kennedy on that fateful day in November 1963? Lee Harvey Oswald, Bercier will say, but then this will be followed by an awkward pause. He'll apologize, explaining that he really shouldn't say that because "he might not be the killer." An age-old conspiracy is not lost on this eight-year-old.

Bercier, a second grade student at the Turtle Mountain Community Elementary School and the son of Chris and Audrey Bercier, is obsessed with presidents.

"He's been interested in history since forever. His dream was to go to Washington, D.C.," his grandmother, Raylene Parisien, said. "Most kids want to go to Disneyland; he wanted to go to Washington, D.C."

Last month, Bercier's dream came true.

The family -- Bercier, Parisien and her husband, Bruce -- planned a trip to Washington, D.C. for the Easter holiday. While the original agenda would include sightseeing, something happened which would enable Bercier to get even closer to the White House. Shortly before they left, Parisien received a call from her niece, Jennifer Parisien, who works at the embassy for the Native American tribes in Washington.

"She said, 'Guess what? I got tickets to the Easter Egg roll.'" Parisien said.

The Easter Egg Roll is a time-honored tradition which is held every Easter Monday on the White House law. It was started by Dolley Madison -- the wife of fourth president James Madison, as Bercier can tell you -- in 1814.

Usually reserved for senators' authorization, her niece was able to apply for tickets through her job.

"It's a fluke that we got them," Parisien said, noting that she kept quiet about the conversation. It wasn't until the plane touched down in the capital city that she informed her grandson that he would have the chance to be at the White House -- the home of his obsession, so to speak.

"We wanted to surprise him," she said.

And surprise him it did. Bercier was one of about 26,000 children to participate. Accompanying Bercier at the Easter Egg Roll was his "papa Bruce" and Jennifer.

Celebrities, such as Justin Bieber, Reese Witherspoon, and Cole and Dylan Sprouse were among those in attendance. Bercier's group, Group D. was allotted two hours, a lot less time than the family thought: wasn't the Easter Egg Roll an all-day event? Not necessarily. Because of the large numbers, the children were divided into groups and were given a certain amount of time. For Bercier, he had from 1:45 to 3:45 p.m. to soak up the presidential aura at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

"It was cool," Bercier said, his eyes wide.

There was some disappointment, however, as Bercier didn't get the chance to see President Barack Obama or his wife, Michelle. The family did get close. According to Parisien, as they toured the city, there was a commotion.

When Parisien asked a vendor what the fuss was about, she was told that Obama was in the area. As Obama's motorcade drove by, the back window of his limousine rolled down and Obama waved to the passersby. Alas, Bercier and his grandparents were on the opposite side of the street, and were not among those who received waves.

In addition to the egg roll, the family also took in the Lincoln Memorial (which was, as Bercier said, "five thousand miles from the hotel"). Ford's Theatre, Madame Toussaud's Wax Museum, the Smithsonian Institute ("air, space, and Indian," Bercier added), the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, and the Korean War Veterans Memorial. One special trip was to the Capitol, where Bercier received a complimentary tour from U.S. House Rep. Earl Pomeroy. N.D. D.

The family also went to nearby Medieval, Maryland, where they visited the National Aquarium, as well as dining at the Medieval Times dinner theatre.

Returning from Washington, Bercier brought several mementos, including a wooden replica of an Easter Egg, signed by the Obama's, as well as his admission to the Easter Egg Roll, the golden ticket itself, and memories of his first trip to Washington, D.C. -- he will go back, he added.

There is one more souvenir that stands out: grass from the White House lawn, which Bercier keeps sealed in a bag.

Copyright 2010 Turtle Mountain Star, Rolla, North Dakota. All Rights Reserved. This content, including derivations, may not be stored or distributed in any manner, disseminated, published, broadcast, rewritten or reproduced without express, written consent from SmallTownPapers, Inc.

© 2010 Turtle Mountain Star Rolla, North Dakota. All Rights Reserved. This content, including derivations, may not be stored or distributed in any manner, disseminated, published, broadcast, rewritten or reproduced without express, written consent from DAS.

Original Publication Date: May 10, 2010

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