Small Town News



Turtle Mountain Star of Rolla, North Dakota

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Sunday, August 23, Judy Lewis visited with her brother, Larry Foil-man, and his son, John, after church. Later that day, Judy attended the 80th birthday celebration for Pat Gustafson, of rural Wolford, at the Wolford School cafeteria.

Tuesday, August 25, James and Nettie Jane Evans, of Rugby, their son, Jerry Evans, of Bismarck, and Lee and Judy Lewis spend most of the day in Minot.

Friday evening, Steve and Patsy Lewis, Abigail and Elizabeth, brought a beautiful birthday cake to Lee and Judy Lewis' home to celebrate Judy's birthday. Shari Jerde, Ashleigh and Chanda Jo, of Reynolds, arrived shortly thereafter to surprise Judy on her special day. A long evening of visiting and watching the kids have fun together was enjoyed by all. Shari and girls left for home Saturday morning.

Jeannie Schell, Kaylee and Kyle, accompanied Peggy Schell to Harvey on Sunday where they were guests of Bob and Edie Schell, Dylan and Allie. They enjoyed pie together that afternoon to help Bob celebrate his birthday that day.

Ray and Karen Desjarlais, of Rolla, and Joan Anfinson went to Bottineau Friday evening and visited Karen and Joan's aunt and uncle, Allwyn and Marvin Biberdorf. Other guests were Joan and Karen's sister, Jacky Klingbeil, of Bottineau, and Vincent Foster, of Vista, California. Vincent is a brother to Allwyn.

Lynnette Berg flew to Oregon to attend the funeral of her aunt. Lynnette left Friday morning and returned Sunday evening.

Tom Peterson visited Valborg Franek, of Rolla, on Thursday. Saturday evening he was a visitor at the rural Wolford home of Dwayne and Diane Graber.

Sunday morning, Tom Peterson visited Lorraine Armstrong at Rugby. He continued on to rural Sawyer and visited at the home of his son, Chris and Jennifer Peterson, Ashley. Austin and Madison.

Dwight and Verna Beachy visited Ken Davis Sunday evening.

Ward and Carol Beachy, Bethel and Evan, were Sundiy inner guests of Glenn,, and Marilyn Slaubaugh, of rural Wolford.

Lee and Judy Lewis were Wednesday morning coffee guests of Ron and Betty Heinz.

Ervin and RuthAnn Helmuth went to Minot on Tuesday and visited their new grandson and his parents. Becky and Josh Ballantyne, of rural Souris, are the proud parents of Cain Russell Ballantyne. Cain was born Tuesday morning at Trinity Hospital and weighed 8 pounds, 15 ozs., and was 21 ?" long. Josh's parents, Orlyn and Louise Ballantyne, of rural Westhope, and Josh's grandmother, Clarice Ballantyne, of West-hope, also came to see the new baby. All the grandparents and Josh went out and had supper together before returning to their respective homes.

Japheth and Lisa Yoder, Shayla and Jamin, of Elida, Ohio, arrived at the home of Japheth's parents, Dor-van and Eileen Yoder and family, on Saturday.

Dorvan and Eileen Yoder and family, and their houseguests, Japheth and Lisa Yoder, Shayla and Jamin, entertained the Yoder family for Sunday dinner. Guests were Dorothy Yoder; Galen and Sara Yoder, Dylan, Lisa, and Rylan; Arlan and Phyllis Yoder; and Merle and Doreen Yoder, and their families, Jamie and Julie Beachy, and Jaylea, of Indiana, Dalen and Merletta Grove and Kierra, of Pennsylvania, Leon and Jeanna Beachy, Tyrese and Alexa, and Dennis Beachy, and his friend, Valerie Byler, who is visiting from Idaho.

Dick and Babe Benson visited their daughter-in-law, Kathy Benson, Sunday evening.

Jamie and Julie Beachy and Jaylea, arrived at the home of Jamie's parents. Merle and Doreen Beachy and Dennis, on Saturday, to join Merle's other houseguests, Dalen and Merletta Grove and Kierra, and Valerie Byler. Sunday this group enjoyed a picnic supper at the International Peace Garden.

Carol Halvorson, of Minot, came to the home of her brother, Curt and Char Halvorson, on Monday and stayed overnight to help Curt with harvest. Carol returned to Minot on Tuesday.

Cordell Yoder, of Devils Lake, and Nate Tastad, of rural Rolette, were weekend guests of Dale and Marge Pederson. Sunday Cordell's mother and sister, Kayleen Yoder and Miriah, came to visit and Cordell went home with them. Nate returned to his home that day also.

Darla Armstrong got her grandson, Colton Buchweitz, on Thursday, and he spent the weekend, with Daniel and Darla.

Kevin and Dianne Johnson, of Rolla, were Sunday afternoon and evening visitors of Daniel and Darla Armstrong.

Tom Peterson spent Monday helping Daniel and Darla Armstrong with harvest.

Ralph and Pat Armstrong, of Warren, Michigan, arrived at the home of Ralph's Brother, Daniel and Darla Armstrong, Wednesday evening. Ralph will be here to help with harvest. Pat left Friday evening by train to return home.

Peggy Schell accompanied Babe Benson to Rolla Thursday morning where they met Lucille Walsh and attended the funeral service for Bob Crosby.

Leo and Erin Knudson, of rural Thompson, and Travis and Amy Gierszewski and family, of Grand Forks, arrived at Benard and Carol Knudson's on Friday. Chris and Donna Jones and Ben joined them for supper

Doreen Steenerson and Brady, of Drayton, came to Benard and Carol Knudson's on Saturday. That afternoon Benard and Carol and their houseguests attended the football game in Cando to see Ben Jones play on the team. They all had supper at Benard and Carol's afterwards, including Chris, Donna, and Ben.

Lonny Knudson, of Grand Forks, came to Benard and Carol Knudson's on Sunday. Doreen Steenerson and Brady, and Travis and Amy Gierszewski and family left after supper to return home. Lonny and Leo and Erin left for their homes on Monday.

Tuesday, Benard and Carol Knudson went to Fargo for Benard's medical appointment. They came back and had supper at Leo and Erin Knudson's. Carol brought a birthday-cake to help Erin celebrate her birthday that day. Other guests were Travis and Lisa Bursinger, Landon and Talen, Jennifer Fredrickson, Bob and Denise Schneider, Lonny Knudson, Trevor Knudson, and his friend, Cheri, McKayla and Raele, all of Grand Forks, and Doreen Steenerson, of Drayton. Benard and Carol were overnight guests at Leo's.

On the way home from Grand Forks on Wednesday, Benard and Carol Knudson stopped in Cando and had supper with Ed and Barb Knudson.

Copyright 2009 Turtle Mountain Star, Rolla, North Dakota. All Rights Reserved. This content, including derivations, may not be stored or distributed in any manner, disseminated, published, broadcast, rewritten or reproduced without express, written consent from SmallTownPapers, Inc.

© 2009 Turtle Mountain Star Rolla, North Dakota. All Rights Reserved. This content, including derivations, may not be stored or distributed in any manner, disseminated, published, broadcast, rewritten or reproduced without express, written consent from DAS.

Original Publication Date: September 7, 2009

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