Small Town News


IHS welcomes needed medical staff

Turtle Mountain Star of Rolla, North Dakota

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Administrators at Quentin Burdick Memorial Health Care Facility in Bel-court recently welcomed four new permanent doctors. Two Belcourt IHS veterans have returned to continue their work in medicine. Dr. Sandeep Patel, who worked at the facility as a pediatrician with his wife, Angela from early 2002 to the spring of 2006. hit the ground running a few weeks ago in the pediatric department. Dr. Tom Walker, an internal medicine physician, has also returned to serve his patients - old and new.

Dr. Patel is currently the lone pediatrician at the Belcourt clinic and hospital but he noted there is another one arriving soon who is a|so an internal medicine specialist lor children.

"It's wonderful to come back to this community," stated Dn Patel. "It felt like coming home and so many of the people still know me and are friendly. I talked it over with my family and my boy asked me if Belcourt needs a pediatrician more than Minneapolis does and I told him that Belcourt did. So he said, "Dad, I think you should go to Belcourt,' so he understood it all very well. One of the things I value about this community is that we have an extended family here through Angie (a tribal member). I think this is all a good change for us."

Dr. Patel said he plans to stay in the position as long he feels that working ten days on and ten days off is a plausible model of working situation. The work he does is very rewarding to him and his family, added Dr. Patel.

Dr. Walker worked at IHS in Belcourt and was sorely missed after he left to go to work in Yakima, Washington. Dr. Walker describes returning to a good situation.

"This facility should be the flagship of IHS." said Dr. Walker. "It's location is in a rural area, the hospital, clinic and ER are all very busy but the biggest challenge I see is that we are severely underfunded at IHS. I see a lot of dedicated staff here and I think the stability is once again here where I would want to work here. We had too many doctors leave here for various reasons in the past few years and now 1 see this as an opportunity to complete a goal I had when I first came here. That is to serve these patients well, especially the elders and find ways to combat all of the chronic diseases our native people suffer from."

Walker said he has returned not only to finish off a mission he undertook in Belcourt, but to add years to the lives of the elders he respects so much.

"Every time we lose one of our eld-ers, those are stories and songs that can never, be heard again." Dr. Walker lamented.

Podiatrist Dr. Nathan Randall comes to Quentin Burdick IHS in Belcourt with a wealth of knowledge and experience. He worked as the podiatrist for the Olympic Gold champion women's USA soccer team for about a year. Dr. Randall said he and Dr. Walker have an affinity for elders and his forte is "to keep the people vertical and allow elders to keep their independence."

"If someone can't walk, that means that they can't do the exercise programs that Dr. Walker and other staff-prescribe for them. That means with little exercise, they have more chance to develop heart disease and become weaker from little physical activity," Dr. Randall explained.

Dr. Randall said the best way to approach medical issues is to take a team approach and keep communication and respect for each fellow medical provider at a high level.

In the dental department. Dr. Safa Maiwand and her professional and friendly attitude adds a nice element to the environment, said RoXanne LaVallie-Unabia, Belcourt IHS CEO.

"All of these talented professionals brings us closer to becoming the best we can be. We know we can't ever be perfect, but we can strive to be." LaVallie stated. "That's certainly part: of the vision of IHS and at the same time, we're realistic about the shortages of doctors across IHS and rural America. We're fortunate to have these qualified individuals becoming part of our staff and I look forward to seeing them do wonders for our people."

Copyright 2009 Turtle Mountain Star, Rolla, North Dakota. All Rights Reserved. This content, including derivations, may not be stored or distributed in any manner, disseminated, published, broadcast, rewritten or reproduced without express, written consent from SmallTownPapers, Inc.

© 2010 Turtle Mountain Star Rolla, North Dakota. All Rights Reserved. This content, including derivations, may not be stored or distributed in any manner, disseminated, published, broadcast, rewritten or reproduced without express, written consent from DAS.

Original Publication Date: September 28, 2009

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