Small Town News

Local Government

City will switch garbage haulers

Turtle Mountain Star of Rolla, North Dakota

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The Rolla City Council thought green last week, but it wasn't the kind of green Waste Management was hoping for.

The city council opted to not renew a contract with Waste Management at its regular meeting last week, effectively ending a working relationship that was established in September of 2000.

A pair of bids for waste collection was opened at last week's meeting. After an extensive discussion, the council awarded the bid to La-ducer Sanitation, a company located in Belcourt.

The decision came down to dollars. Waste Management submitted a bid that was ultimately deemed too high by the council.

"We're trying to save money and by looking at it, Laducer's bid is around $800 a month cheaper," said councilman Duane Wilke.

According to City Auditor, Mae Murphy, the city will sign a five-year contract with Laducer Sanitation, set to begin January 1.

By signing with Laducer Sanitation, garbage rates are expected to remain unchanged. According to City Auditor, Mae Murphy, had the council signed a contract with Waste Management, an increase would have been likely. The current rate for residential areas if $22.50 a month and $29.50 for commercial property.

Councilman Ryan Mitchell said the decision had nothing to do with service. In the meantime, Waste Management will honor the remainder of their contract.

"We thank Waste Management for the service, which was never an issue," Mitchell said.

Laducer Sanitation secretary-treasuer, Mitchell Laducer attended the meeting. He said customers in Rolla shouldn't notice much change.

"We want to make it look like there is no change in the service," Laducer said. "We want to make it as smooth a transition as possible."

Laducer said his company will provide totes similar to what Waste Management provided in addition to several dumpsters located around the city.

The waste management business is nothing new to Laducer, whose dad began the business 42 years ago.

"We're a local company and we hire local workers," Laducer said. "The money we make is going to stay in the county. We currently have nine employees and with the city of Rolla, we're going to have to hire two more."

Laducer Sanitation has served the community of Rolette for over 30 years and St. John for 12!

Rolette City Auditor Kim Azure said the city of Rolla can expect good, professional service.

"The way I look at it they've done a really good job and I would recommend them," Azure said. "They're very good as far as letting us know about holidays and when their rescheduled pickup days will be and whenever I've had a question, they've been quick to respond."

In other city council news, the public works committee reported the water treatment plant is still in need of repairs.

While the color of the water has improved and is deemed safe to drink, councilman Ryan Mitchell said an additional $3,000 will need to be spent for repairs. This comes before the public works department begins to repair the reverse osmosis unit.

This unit filters the water by using pressure to force it through a membrane, retaining solutes on one side and allowing the pure water to pass to the other side.

Lastly, the council moved to hire; Robby Jones to work at the recycling center for 32 hours a week.

Copyright 2009 Turtle Mountain Star, Rolla, North Dakota. All Rights Reserved. This content, including derivations, may not be stored or distributed in any manner, disseminated, published, broadcast, rewritten or reproduced without express, written consent from SmallTownPapers, Inc.

© 2010 Turtle Mountain Star Rolla, North Dakota. All Rights Reserved. This content, including derivations, may not be stored or distributed in any manner, disseminated, published, broadcast, rewritten or reproduced without express, written consent from DAS.

Original Publication Date: October 26, 2009

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