Small Town News

Local Government


Western Kansas World of Wakeeny, Kansas

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December 21, 2009

Chairman Dean L. Papes called the meeting to order on this date at 9:00 a.m. Present were Commissioners Herbert Schwartzkopf and Kendall Ottley and County Clerk Lori Augustine.

County Attorney Tony Potter met with the Commissioners. They discussed the race track lease, the tax foreclosure sale, and cell phone use. He informed the Board that he will be using the room across from his office for secured storage. Commissioner Schwartzkopf moved and Commissioner Ottley seconded to go into executive session for attorney/client privileges for five minutes. Present for the executive session were Commissioners Dean L. Papes, Herbert Schwartzkopf and Kendall Ottley and County Attorney Tony Potter. Session ended within the allotted time.

County Treasurer Joleen Nimz came into the meeting. Joleen requested and was granted permission to move Carta Beydler to Deputy County Treasurer effective November 25, 2009.

The Commissioners approved middle of the month vouchers and checks.

Commissioner Ottley moved and Commissioner Schwartzkopf seconded to go into executive session for non elected personnel for ten minutes. Motion carried. Present for the executive session were Commissioners Dean L. Papes, Herbert Schwartzkopf and Kendall Ottley. Session ended within the allotted time.

County Treasurer Joleen Nimz came into the meeting. She introduced Renee Neff as her new employee to the Commissioners.

Commissioner Schwartzkopf moved and Commissioner Ottley seconded to approve the minutes of December 14, 2009. Motion carried.

Terry Eberle, Kenny Roy, Kathleen Fabrizius, Richard Schneider, and Brian Raub, ambulance committee members, met with the Commissioners. The Commissioners presented an idea of having a board run the ambulance department instead of hiring a director. They also discussed the billing.

Communications Director Brian Raub met with the Commissioners. Commissioner Ottley moved and Commissioner Schwartzkopf seconded to go into executive session to discuss non-elected personnel for fifteen minutes. Motion carried. Present for the executive session were Commissioners Dean L. Papes, Herbert Schwartzkopf and Kendall Ottley and Brian Raub. Session ended within the allotted time.

Sheriff Richard Schneider, Road Supervisor Dale Pfannenstiel, Health Administrator Diana Parke, Maintenance Supervisor Michael Ghumm, County Treasurer Joleen Nimz, County Clerk Lori Augustine, Register of Deeds Evea Rumpel, Communications Director Brian Raub, Emergency Management Director Kathleen Fabrizius, Economic Development Director Charlene Neish and Clerk of District Court Tiffany Gillespie met with the Commissioners for the monthly department head meeting. The Commissioners informed the group of the deadlines for payday. The Commissioners also informed the group that there is a company that is starting a wind energy project in the southern part of the county. The group thanked the Commissioners for the wampum bonus. Charlene talked to the Board concerning the economic development board appointments. Evea talked to the Board concerning copier bids. Evea will come back when she gets more information. Tiffany talked to the Board concerning chairs and a speaker system for the courtroom. She will get bids.

Health Administrator Diana Parke met with the Commissioners. Commissioner Ottley moved and Commissioner Schwartzkopf seconded to go into executive session to discuss non-elected personnel for twenty minutes. Motion carried. Present for the executive session were Commissioners Dean L. Papes, Herbert Schwartzkopf and Kendall Ottley and Diana Parke. Session ended within the allotted time.

Terry Eberle came into the meeting. Commissioner Ottley moved and Commissioner Schwartzkopf seconded to go into executive session to discuss non-elected personnel for fifteen minutes. Motion carried. Present for the executive session were Commissioners Dean L. Papes, Herbert Schwartzkopf and Kendall Ottley and Terry Eberle. Session ended within the allotted time.

Emergency Management Director Kathleen Fabrizius met with the Commissioners. Commissioner Schwartzkopf moved and Commissioner Ottley seconded to go into executive session to discuss non-elected personnel for fifteen minutes. Motion carried. Present for the executive session were Commissioners Dean L. Papes, Herbert Schwartzkopf and Kendall Ottley and Kathleen Fabrizius. Session ended within the allotted time.

Brandon Payne met with the Commissioners. Also present were Richard Schneider, Kathleen Fabrizius and Brian Raub. Commissioner Ottley moved and Commissioner Schwartzkopf seconded to go into executive session to discuss non-elected personnel for thirty minutes. Motion carried. Present for the executive session were Commissioners Dean L. Papes, Herbert Schwartzkopf and Kendall Ottley and Brandon Payne, Richard Schneider, Brian Raub and Kathleen Fabrizius. Session ended within the allotted time.

Commissioner Papes and Commissioner Schwartzkopf seconded to go into executive session to discuss non-elected personnel for ten minutes. Motion carried. Present for the executive session were Commissioners Dean L. Papes, Herbert Schwartzkopf and Kendall Ottley. Session ended within the allotted time.

Register of Deeds Evea Rumpel came into the meeting. She presented bids for a copier from Tri-Central Office Supply and Commissioner Schwartzkopf moved and Commissioner Ottley seconded to waive the bid process and purchase a used copier from Tri-Central Office Supply in the amount of $1,515.00. Motion carried.

Road Supervisor Dale Pfannenstiel met with the Commissioners. Commissioner Ottley moved and Commissioner Schwartzkopf seconded to go into executive session to discuss non-elected personnel for fifteen minutes. Motion carried. Present for the executive session were Commissioners Dean L. Papes, Herbert Schwartzkopf and Kendall Ottley and Dale Pfannenstiel. Session ended within the allotted time.

Commissioner Schwartzkopf moved and Commissioner Ottley seconded to sign the agreement with Penco Engineering to prepare the plans for the Satran bridge. Motion carried.

Commissioner Schwartzkopf moved and Commissioner Ottley seconded to approve a utility crossing permit for Rural Telephone to" place a 2" innerduct across 240 Road. Motion carried.

Commissioner Schwartzkopf moved and Commissioner Ottley seconded to approve the Solomon Valley Inter-Local Cooperative Agreement for E-Waste. Motion carried.

Noxious Weed Director Carl Fabrizius met with the Commissioners. Commissioner Schwartzkopf moved and Commissioner Ottley seconded to go into executive session to discuss non-elected personnel for fifteen minutes. Motion carried. Present for the executive session were Commissioners Dean L. Papes, Herbert Schwartzkopf and Kendall Ottley and Carl Fabrizius. Session ended within the allotted time.

Carl updated the Commissioners on the progress of the overhead door at the Sprint Mart building.

U.S.D. 208 Superintendent Mark Bejot came into the meeting. Also present was County Appraiser John Reeder. They discussed the administration at the detention center. They also discussed the tax dollars given to the school district in 2009. John and Lori agreed to get together to look at the difference between the projected taxes to be received and the actual taxes received to see if the numbers are accurate.

County Appraiser John Reeder met with the Commissioners. Commissioner Schwartzkopf moved and Commissioner Ottley seconded to go into executive session to discuss non-elected personnel for fifteen minutes. Motion carried. Present for the executive session were Commissioners Dean L. Papes, Herbert Schwartzkopf and Kendall Ottley and John Reeder. Session ended within the allotted time The Commissioners and John discussed wind energy.

The Commissioners sent a letter to Clarence M Kelley Detention Services concerning the closing of the Forbes facility in Topeka.

Commissioner Ottley moved and Commissioner Schwartzkopf seconded to adjourn the meeting.

Copyright 2010 Western Kansas World, Wakeeny, Kansas. All Rights Reserved. This content, including derivations, may not be stored or distributed in any manner, disseminated, published, broadcast, rewritten or reproduced without express, written consent from SmallTownPapers, Inc.

© 2010 Western Kansas World Wakeeny, Kansas. All Rights Reserved. This content, including derivations, may not be stored or distributed in any manner, disseminated, published, broadcast, rewritten or reproduced without express, written consent from DAS.

Original Publication Date: January 7, 2010

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