Small Town News

Regional Government

Gibbon Council delays Ash Avenue Project

Winthrop News of Winthrop, Minnesota

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Mayor Dennis Nau asked the Gibbon City Council to put off the Ash Avenue/Park Drive street project for another year. He stated that there would be a considerable cost to South Central Grain & Energy. Another year would give the co-op more time to budget for their share of the project.

The mayor stated that he would meet with representatives of the coop in the next two weeks to work out an agreement on the streets.

The Council received an update on the generator project. The agreement with Winthrop is set and now the necessary wiring needed is being completed.

Sean Lund, who purchased a city lot at an auction with the stipulation that a house be constructed on the property within three years, asked for information on the agreement. The three-year period was scheduled to be up now, but the Council had already given him a six-month extension, until April of 2010.

Lund asked how the City would deal with the time frame for building on his lot if it were to be sold to a new owner. The Council decided to consider this situation once Lund had a signed purchase agreement for the property.

To keep the uptown sidewalks cleaner, the Council decided to purchased cigarette ash cans for Main Street. The plan was to locate the ash cans in front of the three bars and cafe and ask the owners of those establishment to maintain the cans.

Nau commented that he had received some concerns about the sidewalk policy. To clear up the misconception, he stated that if a property does not have a sidewalk, the owner does not have to put one in. However, if there is a sidewalk, the property owner must maintain it.

The new police manual has been reviewed by the Council for comments and now will go to the Public Safety Committee for further review.

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© 2010 Winthrop News Winthrop, Minnesota. All Rights Reserved. This content, including derivations, may not be stored or distributed in any manner, disseminated, published, broadcast, rewritten or reproduced without express, written consent from DAS.

Original Publication Date: October 14, 2009

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