Small Town News

Local Government

Plumas County fills critical staff positions

Westwood PinePress of Westwood, California

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The Critical Staffing Committee appeared before the Board of Supervisors once in August, with the board approving 4.25 positions to be filled, as recommended by the committee.

The board approved a .75 position in the Sierra County Literacy program, which is administered by Plumas County Library Director Margaret Miles in conjunction with the Plumas County Literacy program.

Both programs are entirely grant funded.

The board went on to approve a Human Resources Technician I position.

Human Resources Director Gayla Trumbo, who was giving the critical staffing presentation, informed the board that she didn't vote on the recommendation for that position.

She advised that the position was needed because some of the former responsibilities of the risk manager were now going to be handled by HR.

Next, the supervisors approved an Office Assistant III position in the Social Services Department that had already been before the critical staffing commission in the past.

The most discussion took place on the topic of the Treasurer Tax Specialist II, a position that Treasurer Suzie Grant told the board was actually lower in pay than the position she currently had allocated.

Grant said that approving this position instead of the allocated one would be more efficient for her department and would save the county money.

County Administrative Officer Jack Ingstad told the board that at that time he was not considering reductions in the treasurer's department to fill the county's $600,000 budget hole, but thought the board might want to look at this position as an alternative to his recommendations.

The board went ahead and approved the position. A month later upon further review, Ingstad did end up recommending it to be dropped as part of his plan to close the budget gap.

That discussion was continued at the Sept. 1 board meeting with no decision made.

The position was again listed as one of those recommended to be eliminated as part of the budget solution on the Sept. 15, meeting agenda.

Finally, the board approved the filling of an Administrative Assistant II in the Agriculture Commissioners Department.

Trumbo explained that the position would be no more expensive than the temporary help that was currently employed to accomplish the same tasks.

Copyright 2009 Westwood PinePress, Westwood, California. All Rights Reserved. This content, including derivations, may not be stored or distributed in any manner, disseminated, published, broadcast, rewritten or reproduced without express, written consent from SmallTownPapers, Inc.

© 2009 Westwood PinePress Westwood, California. All Rights Reserved. This content, including derivations, may not be stored or distributed in any manner, disseminated, published, broadcast, rewritten or reproduced without express, written consent from DAS.

Original Publication Date: September 16, 2009

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