Small Town News

Land Management

BLM releases Environmental Assessment of John Day River

The Times-Journal of Condon, Oregon

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The Bureau of Land Management (BLM)

Prineville District is releasing the John Day River Study Environmental Assessment for public review. A Decision Record is expected to be released following a 30-day comment period.

The John Day River Study Environmental Assessment was written by the Bureau of Land Management, Prineville District, in partnership with the John Day River Interagency Planning Team, which consists of representatives from the Confederated Tribes of the Warm Springs Reservation, Oregon Parks and Recreation Department, Oregon D-epartment of Fish and Wildlife, Oregon Department of State Lands, and the John Day Coalition of Counties. The John Day River Interagency Planning Team has responsibility for managing the 147-mile John Day Wild and Scenic River from Service Creek to Tumwater Falls.

The proposed actions in the environmental assessment prescribe a maximum capacity for boating use on two river segments with a corresponding number of permits available for boat

launching each day during the peak boating season. A full range of alternatives is being analyzed to meet the requirements of the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act of 1988, which directs the BLM to set a user capacity.

Public scoping for the John Day River Study Environmental Assessment was initiated in July 2008. Based on comments received, the BLM determined that an environmental assessment was the appropriate level of analysis needed. A copy of the environmental assessment and additional information about this planning process is available online on line, http:// prineville/plans/ johndayri verstudy

The BLM is seeking public comment on the John Day River Study Environmental Assessment and asks the public to send written comments to Chip Faver, BLM, 3050 NE Third Street, Prineville, OR 97754.Comments must be received at the above address by September 25, 2010. Specific questions related to this environmental assessment can be directed to the BLM by calling 541-416-6718.

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© 2011 The Times-Journal Condon, Oregon. All Rights Reserved. This content, including derivations, may not be stored or distributed in any manner, disseminated, published, broadcast, rewritten or reproduced without express, written consent from DAS.

Original Publication Date: September 2, 2010

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