Small Town News
Scott Fire update
MCKENZIE PASS: The Scott Mountain fire, burning in the Willamette National Forest 14 miles northeast of McKenzie Bridge, is at 3, 464 acres and 35 percent contained. The fire will continue to creep and smolder in the interior until it receives a significant rain or snow event. An area closure remains in effect for portions of the Mt Washington Wilderness and National Forest lands managed by the McKenzie River Ranger District in order to facilitate fire operations.
Hwy 242 is open to through traffic from Hwy 126 to Sisters. Forest roads and trailheads north and east of the highway are closed to the public.
The lightning caused blaze ignited on August 19. Resources still involved with the incident include 92 personnel - two crews of firefighters, two helicopters, one engine and three water tenders.
Officials report the weather should continue to be warmer and drier with a slight chance of thunderstorms this week. Temperatures were predicted to be in the 80's on Tuesday. Fire behavior was expected to increase in response to the warmer weather and lower humidity. Heavy fuels and jackpots on the southern perimeter of the fire continue to produce flare-ups and isolated torching.
Crews are scheduled to finish mopping up the western edge and heavy equipment continues to clear brush along contingency lines. In addition, workers are improving fuel breaks south of the fire.
"We regret the inconvenience to hunters, hikers and campers. Recent rains have reduced fire activity allowing firefighters to continue working on contingency lines. Heavy machinery is also active on many of the roads within the closure area making needed improvements for when the roads reopen, "said John Poet, Incident Commander. "The closure will be evaluated as conditions change. In the meantime, we want to encourage visitors to explore other areas of the District."
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© 2011 McKenzie River Reflections McKenzie Bridge, Oregon. All Rights Reserved. This content, including derivations, may not be stored or distributed in any manner, disseminated, published, broadcast, rewritten or reproduced without express, written consent from DAS.
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