Small Town News


Sheriffs officers threatened with death by deranged man

Philipsburg Mail of Philipsburg, Montana

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After he was arrested by Granite County Sheriff's Deputy Ed Short and Undersheriff Scott Dunkerson, James Edwards Beggs of Missoula began threatening the officers of the law.

"Beggs specifically told Deputy Short and Undersheriff Dunkerson several times that after he got out

he would come back with guns, kidnap their kids and family, and kill them, "states the Affidavit and Motion for Leave to File an Information in Montana's Third District Court, "Beggs made this statement numerous times, and told the officers to 'check his past if they didn't believe him.' Mr. Beggs further stated that the Judge better give him a thousand years because he would be back and that he would shoot the judge too."

According to District Court documents, James Edward Beggs has been charged with misdemeanor assault, misdemeanor criminal mischief, two counts of threats in official matters, and misdemeanor criminal possession of dangerous drugs.

According to court documents the incident began on August 15 when Granite County Dispatch received a report that a woman had been assaulted near Garnet. Shortly after, dispatch received a second call from another woman stating that Beggs, after assaulting her, had damaged her car and would not get out of her vehicle.

When two Granite County law officers arrived on the scene, they found Beggs in the alleged victim's vehicle.

There was damage to the vehicle in the form of the rear window and taillights being broken as well as a red liquid poured on the passenger door. One of the deputies asked Beggs what had happened.

The defendant stated that individuals on four wheelers had come up and had thrown a rock to knock out the rear window.

The deputy could find no evidence of a rock and the two law officers asked Beggs if he would be willing to come with them to the reporting party's house and discuss the complaint. Beggs said he would and was advised that he was not under arrest. He was then seated in the rear of the patrol car.

At the residence, one of the deputies asked the alleged victim of the assault about the incident and she told him that Beggs had been drinking and going through mood changes during the day.

She stated that Beggs and she had driven from Missoula to Garnet via Potomac and on the way Beggs became very angry and head butted her causing her nose to bleed. According to the court documents the deputy observed a bruise in the middle of her nose. The reporting party said that she had left the car at Garnet, had hid behind a barn, and heard the sound of braking glass coming from the vehicle. When she returned to her car she told the deputy that it was "heavily damaged" and Beggs was seated in it refusing to exit.

During the questioning of the incident, the other deputy entered the house leaving the defendant alone in the patrol car. According to District Court documents Beggs began to show signs of violence.

"While Undersheriff Dunkerson was in the house, the Defendant started yelling and kicking the cage in the patrol car, "states the information, "Deputy Short directed Beggs to stop but the kicking became worse and he told Deputy Short that he was going to kick the windows out."

The officers removed Beggs from the vehicle, handcuffed him, and placed him under arrest for assault and vandalism. The defendant however did not quiet down. As the officers left Garnet with the defendant he continued kicking and head butting the windows and threatening the officers with kidnap and murder after his release.

According to the court documents, the deputies decided to take Beggs to the Missoula County Jail as he appeared too violent and out of control to be held at the Granite County Jail.

When they arrived and transferred Beggs to the jail in Missoula County he was patted down by an officer there. During the pat down, the officer found a small package of marijuana in Begg's possession.

On September 2, Beggs was arraigned by the Honorable Judge Ray Dayton and he plead not guilty in all charges. An omnibus hearing has been scheduled for October 7 and a jury trial on January 17.

Copyright 2010 Philipsburg Mail, Philipsburg, Montana. All Rights Reserved. This content, including derivations, may not be stored or distributed in any manner, disseminated, published, broadcast, rewritten or reproduced without express, written consent from SmallTownPapers, Inc.

© 2011 Philipsburg Mail Philipsburg, Montana. All Rights Reserved. This content, including derivations, may not be stored or distributed in any manner, disseminated, published, broadcast, rewritten or reproduced without express, written consent from DAS.

Original Publication Date: September 16, 2010

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