Small Town News
State elections specialist is observer in Afghanistan
The first time Jackie Harris traveled to Afghanistan she didn't know what sort of reception she would receive from election officials, where she would be staying or even what to pack.
The plans for her current trip aren't as up in the air. Harris, an Elections Specialist with the West Virginia Secretary of State's
Office, now knows some basic expressions like "Hello, ""Thank you, "and "Good bye."
Harris is traveling to Kabul this week with an international delegation from Democracy International to observe elections for the Wolesi Jirga, the lower house of the Afghan Parliament. She will join election specialists from 18 countries, including France, Germany, Italy, Mexico and the United Kingdom.
Democracy International is deploying nine teams of long-term observers across Afghanistan. They will interview electoral officers,
candidates and voters and will follow the election preparations, campaigns and aftermath.
Harris is one of 50 additional observers who will observe Election Day, September 18. She isn't sure where in Afghanistan she will be, whether it will be in Kabul or one of the outlying provinces.
"I've been working with elections for more than 20 years, "Harris said. "Trips
like this allow me to use my practical experience to help emerging democracies around the world. Our role is to observe the elections, not to interfere. When we come back, we will share our observations with stakeholders to improve the elections process in Afghanistan."
All costs of the trip will be paid by Democracy
International, not by West Virginia taxpayers.
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