Oregon Attorney General John Kroger Declines To Join Healthcare Lawsuit

By Hells Canyon Journal staff

Hells Canyon Journal of Halfway, Oregon

Oregon Attorney General John Kroger announced on Thursday, March 25 that he would not be joining lawsuits filed by other State Attorneys General to overturn federal health care legislation.

Based on a preliminary review of the legislation, the Oregon Department of Justice is of the opinion that the health care reform bill is constitutional and that the challenges to the legislation are without merit. Legal scholars around the nation have expressed similar views. As a result, Attorney General Kroger said he will not waste taxpayer money on filing legislation without merit.

Historically, opponents of reform have turned to the courts when they have failed to muster the votes to block major legislation. The Social Security Act, the Civil Rights Act and the Voting Rights Act were all challenged on constitutional grounds and the courts upheld all three monumental pieces of legislation. Because of the importance of the health care reform legislation, the Oregon Department of Justice is exploring the possibility of filing an "amicus" brief in support of the law.

(Note: Amicus curiae is a Latin phrase that can be literally translated as "friend of the court." They are "filed by someone who is not a party to the litigation but who believes that the court's decision may affect its interest," wrote Justice Renhquist in the Tech Law Journal.)

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