
By Lafayette Nicollet Ledger staff

Lafayette Nicollet Ledger of Lafayette, Minnesota

The regular city council meeting was called to order by Mayor Schabert at 7:00 p.m. on July 1, 2010 in the Council chambers in the Courtland Community Center. All council members were present.

Bents made a motion to approve the agenda as written. Kollmann seconded the motion. The motion carried with all in favor.

Kollmann made a motion to approve the written minutes from the regular city council meeting of June 3, 2010 held in the council chambers of the Community Center. Retka seconded the motion. The motion carried with all in favor.

Bents made a motion to approve the June 2010 bills. Retka seconded the motion. The motion carried with all in favor.

Bents made a motion to approve the zoning permit for a 10-foot fence for Courtland Waste Handling. Kollmann seconded the motion. The motion carried on a 4-1 vote with Poehler absent from voting.

It was decided to table the issue of a new maintenance building addition until a future meeting after the council has a chance to look at the budget for the coming year.

The council asked Heather McCal-lum to review all the audit proposals and come back with her recommendation as to hiring an audit firm for the coming year.

Poehler made a motion to approve payment of pay estimate #1 for the Riverview/Mary Lane Watermain project in the amount of $106,895.11. Retka seconded the motion. The motion carried with all in favor.

Kollmann made a motion to approve payment of pay estimate #5 for the ALCOR/Red Shoe project in the amount of $92,736.46. Bents seconded the motion. The motion carried on a 4-1 vote with Poehler abstaining from voting.

Dave Ubel approached the council on behalf of the fire relief association to apply for a two-day liquor license for the street dance to be held August 14, 2010. Bents made a motion to approve the liquor license. Retka seconded the motion. The motion carried with all in favor,

Ubel informed the council that the new off-road vehicle has arrived and that they now need somewhere to store Old Betsy. Poehler made a motion to approve paying for temporary storage space at B & G Storage for Old Betsy. Kollmann seconded the motion. The motion carried with all in favor.

Poehler made a motion to approve the following people as election judges for this year: Susie Zimmerman, Duane Fiemeyer, Lillian Bode, Jean Kahnke, Margel Woltmann, Bridgette Kennedy, Chrissy Johnson, Bonnie Hulke, and Bonnie Hubert. Bents seconded the motion. The motion carried with all in favor.

The council directed Heather to write to Deb Costigan per her complaint to the city.

Poehler made a motion to adjourn. Bents seconded the motion. The motion carried with all in favor.

The meeting closed at 9:00 pm.

A signed written copy of the minutes is on file in the office of the city clerk.

Respectfully submitted,

Bonnie Hubert

City Clerk


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