Enjoying the day at Cross Roads ladies conference

Clara Jo Davis, Cross Roads News

The Malakoff News of Malakoff, Texas

What a beautiful day! A little rain fell Monday morning! Not much, but it was just what we needed! Did you give thanks for it?

Saturday at the Ladies meeting at the Cross Roads Baptist church, we had such a good time! The count was between 134 and 140 ladies. I saw a lot of my Cross Roads friends. Mary told me about her husband Gene, he now stays at Park Highland Nursing Home, said he is doing well. Her two brothers were visiting for the weekend. They were all going to see Gene!

I sat with Jeanie Ward, she showed me some pictures of a deer she got: last year, was an eight point, with a 16 inch spread on the horns! To be legal now you have to have 13 inches between horns. How can you tell how wide the horns are? A deer doesn't stand still for you to measure!

Mrs. Carol Yarbara was the guest, she is a beautiful person! Her talk was inspiring! Betty, Pat and I went together. It was a long day, but we enjoyed it.

Another person I met after many years was Morgan Miller, she use to ride my school bus! She told me she was Ross Miller's sister. She didn't ride as much as Ross. We never know how people turn out in life! Morgan is all grown up, very pretty! She was part of the program, sang several songs, very talented!

Haley is growing too, she is about 14 now. 1 saw Joy and Amy, Lois, Janice, Anita, Margaret, Barbara, and a lot more. The men of the church cooked and served the food, very' good!

Will told me his twin grandsons are growing up. I've not seen them, they were born in November or December!

I've got to hurry, Martha or Jimmy will take my news in!

The "Polk salad" bragging people don't talk much anymore, they sure didn't bring me any. Shorty said when he got the first mess there wasn't any more! Another person said it was getting too big! So, 1 haven't had a mess. You know how we like to talk about old times? Jerry said remember when we were young? And our mothers would say "Stick out your tongue," let her see if it was white, if it was, "Bilious" band and here came some kind of medicine! 1 told Rick to stick out his tongue, he said mother ever tell you to that that? Said he didn't know, he had stuck out his tongue out at his mother! 1 guess we all did that at one time or another, 1 may have done that, but you don't let her see me!

Didn't have much news, so thanks for reading!

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