Time for change, yet again

Jean Doran Matiia

Tri-County News of Kimball, Minnesota

Just about the time I get used to summer weather and summer schedules, Kimball Days are upon us and then summer is over.

Just like that. Done.

Open house at the elementary school was tonight, and that just drove it home. Summer's over.

School starts in just a few days. So, technically, there are a few, lingering days left of the season for which we endure Minnesota winters.

And then, just like that, we're thrust into the whir and churn of another school year.

I used to laugh (quietly, of course) at my coworkers who yearned for the end of summer so their kids would return to school. But now I get it. Except that I wouldn't wish away a single summer day, even the really hot and steamy ones.

Here at the newspaper, the return to school marks a shift in tempo. Now there are sports schedules, in-class activities, and hundreds of energetic "free-range" students who need to be reined in. It's time to sit at a desk and, well, be studious.

We've got a few other changes up our (short) sleeves here at the Tri-County News. More about that another time.

Suffice it to say that change is good. Even if we're afraid of it - like a kindergartner heading off to that first day of school. It leads to wonderful things. Turmoil is change gone wild; we avoid that. Progress is change well thought-out and executed; this is our goal.

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