Off-season work to improve Wolfpack


West Lyon Herald of Inwood, Iowa

HULL --The 2009 season will offer a chance for the Western Christian Wolfpack to turn the page after a disappointing loss to Okoboji in the first round of the 2008 playoffs. Much of the team returns and Head Coach Travis Kooima is optimistic about the team's chances.

"I am excited for this season. We have a lot of key members back from last fall and they have worked hard this off-season to make themselves better. Overall I have been pleased how the first few weeks of practice have gone."

Junior Tyler Wolterstorff will start at quarterback for the Wolfpack. He brings a previous stat line of 1,018 yards in six games with a 118.4 quarterback rating. Theo Bartman and Justin Jansma will line the backfield at the running back positions for the team. Both are in their final season.

Other seniors are Bryce Groeneweg and Brandon Van Engen who will start at the receiver positions. The offensive line will include junior Brian Hengeveld at center with seniors Jesse Vander Zwaag and Daniel Kragt at the guard positions. At the right tackle position will be sophomore Trevor Van Den Top and the left tackle position will include senior David Van Lingen.

On the defensive side are senior Kyle Brummel with Groeneweg and Van Engen in the secondary. Vander Zwaag will be at middle linebacker next to Justin Jansma. The other linebacker position will be between Kyle Westra and Ben Van't Hull. Bartman and Granstra will be at the at the outside back positions. Four players in Westra, Van Den Top, Hengeveld and Kragt will fill in the remaining three spots on the line.

Kooima picked three district favorites. "Central Lyon's tradition will keep them a favorite for the district. Boyden-Hull Rock Valley will have a lot of key guys from a very good team last year and will be a team that will be tough to beat with all their weapons. Sheldon is also a team to watch out for."

Kooima noted the strengths of defense and experience. "Our defense will be our anchor. We have a lot of speed and overall we have a defense that can fly around and make plays. I am excited to see them get a chance to be the strength of our team. We have pretty good experience coming back so that will be a plus as well. Hopefully that can help us early and get us off to a good start."

He also noted the need for improvement on offensive and special teams play. Kooima stressed the need for consistency and focus in these areas. He outlined the need for an overall consistent focus as the season begins.

"We play in a tough district in which on any given night any team can win. The competition level is high and that is what is going make each Friday night a great opportunity to become better and compete for a chance to play in the post-season."

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